Chapter Fifteen

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I keep the water ice cold when I shower, hoping that the ice will travel through my body and numb the way my heart feels right now. The last couple of hours have wrecked me and my mind is left racing between thoughts of Castor and his open wounds to being alone with Matteo in his room. Being that close to him I felt like I couldn't breathe. The ghost of his touch remains and my heart flutters all over again.

I shake my head under the water, letting the ice water spray on my face. I need to wake up from this delusion. The last time I felt even close to this was when I had a petty crush on Matthew Sumerson in high school and the last thing I need right now is to have a one-sided crush on the Alpha of the Alastor pack.

I shut the water off and quickly make myself presentable for dinner. I don't have much of an appetite but I know if I don't come to dinner Lexie will worry. I haven't talked to her all day. Was she injured earlier? How did I not think to ask?

The moment I close my door and make my way to the dining hall I'm met by Lexie who seemed to be waiting on me. I give her a smile, hoping the gesture will cover the exhaustion I'm feeling.

"Hey, Lex. You okay?"

"I'm fine. I was sparing when everything happened." She steps to my side comfortably matching my stride as we make our way down the stairs.

"Good." I'm so relieved to hear she wasn't there. I was so focused on Matteo after the shock of helping Castor I didn't even think about my friend. "I'm sorry I didn't check in on you earlier."

"Les, it's okay. I heard what happened and what you did for Castor. You saved him, you know." She pauses us where we stand and turns to look at me, "Really. We heal quickly but that wound was fatal. Your quick thinking bought him enough time to heal."

"I don't even know what happened. I saw him and just started moving. It was like instinct." I think back to just a few hours earlier seeing Castor being rushed into the foyer. He was so pale. All it took was a breath for my body to burst into action. I'm glad I didn't do anything to make it worse. Honestly, it feels nice to know that I helped.

"Well, an instinct like that sounds like a good one to have." Her eyes are warm as she gives the compliment and I'm glad to hear it. It's hard not to feel like a burden after the events of this past week.

She threads her arm through mine and guides us the rest of the way to the dining hall. Manny is waiting by the entrance when we arrive and he quickly places a kiss to his destined's cheek before giving me a nod in greeting.

"I'm glad you made it to dinner, Alessia! Food will do you well. Lex, I already grabbed you a plate before the line got too long. It's at the table next to mine."

She beams at the gesture and takes us over to the table at the center of the room. The two plates are sat next to Eli who is already at the table. He doesn't spare us a glance as we sit. Lexie leaves the spot directly next to Eli for Manny and I take the seat directly across from her.

"You should grab a plate. You need to eat." She motions towards the line at the edge of the room. Each person waiting their turn for their servings.

"I'll wait until the line dies down." I lie. I have no intention of eating anything tonight. My stomach still hasn't recovered from the sight of Castor's wounds.

Manny silently takes the seat next to Lexie, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear that was getting in the way of her food. I swear that man was written by a woman. The way he cares for Lexie would have any person swooning.

I listen as the group is deep in conversation about patrol rotations. They are discussing doubling up after recent events which has caused tension amongst the pack. Understandably, people are worried about safety and what these attacks mean for the future. I'm thankful for a conversation that has nothing to do with me and sit quietly at the end of the table.

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