What the future brings

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A few days after hotch asked her to move in, Emily was at her apartment, packing up her belongings for the move. The thought of living with Hotch made her nervous, but she couldn't deny that she was excited as well. She grabbed a box and started to fill it with her things, she didn't realize how much stuff she had until she began to pack. She was just finishing up the packing when a soft knock on the door interrupted her

She walked over to the door and found Hotch standing there, he looked so handsome in his jeans and a dark blue button up shirt, it was hard not to run into his arms and kiss him on the spot.

"Hi," she said with a smile as she opened the door, "what are you doing here?"

Hotch stepped inside the apartment and wrapped his arms around her , pulling her close, burying his face in the crook of her neck, and he smiled, "I missed you,"

She laughed as he kissed her neck softly.

"We just saw each other this morning," she said, as she leaned into him, enjoying his embrace.

He shrugged, "that's too long," he said with a smirk, "I can't go a few hours without seeing your gorgeous face."

She blushed slightly at his compliment, but she knew that he meant it. She was flattered that he missed seeing her so much and that made her heart skip a beat.

"How did I get so lucky to find a man like you," she teased, as she looked up and kissed him on the lips.

He deepened the kiss, gently nipped her lip before he pulled away, "I'm the lucky one in this relationship," he said as he looked at her with a look of adoration, "and I can't wait to live with you, see your face every day, wake up every morning with you in my arms,"

She laughed, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "well, in a few days you'll have all of that... and you'll probably be able to hear me singing phoebe Bridgers in the shower"

He laughed and kissed her neck again, 'there's a lot of things I want to hear you say,' he whispered in her ear, making her blush even more.

He gently pulled away, holding her hands in his, "I should help you pack though," he said seriously, "I know you hate packing."

"Yeah you definitely know me better than I know myself," she said, rolling her eyes, as she led him over to the box she had started packing, "be quick about it though, you know how I feel about packing,"

He smiled and nodded in agreement , he knew packing brought up a lot of anxiety for her, so he did his best to be supportive.

She started to pack more of her things and Hotch helped her, they spent the rest of the afternoon packing her things and talking about anything and everything.

At some point in their packing, the conversation turned to talk about their future, and babies and marriage came up.

Emily felt a little uneasy when they discussed those topics, her anxiety was starting to rise, she didn't want to admit it, but when she thought of marriage and babies, she still had some fears and insecurities from her past.

She thought about her own upbringing and her dysfunctional relationship with her mother, how she had lost so many people in her life.
She couldn't help but worry that she would screw up any family she would have with Hotch, that she would somehow mess up her children like her mother had done to her.

She tried to push those thoughts away, but they gnawed at the back of her mind.

Hotch noticed the slight change in her demeanor, he could tell that her mood was taking a dip, he knew her well enough to see when something was bothering her.
He reached over and took her hand, "are you okay?" he asked gently, "you look like something is wrong,"
She took a deep breath and tried to smile, "I'm fine," she said, "just overthinking things, as usual,"

He nodded, "I know you're overthinking, you do it all the time."
She smiled at him, and she felt a little better, just hearing his words helped her feel more at ease.

"What are you overthinking about?" he asked, as he continued packing her belongings into the box.

She sighed, not wanting to make this a big deal, "I don't know, it's stupid," she said softly, "just thinking about how messed up my upbringing was, how screwed up I am."

He stopped packing and looked at her, "you're not screwed up, don't say that," he said, grabbing her hand and squeezing it, "your upbringing was bad and I know it haunts you, but you're not screwed up,"

She looked at him and nodded, taking a big sigh and letting out all her breath.

"I know," she said softly, "I know I'm not screwed up, but sometimes I can't help but think that way,"

He pulled her closer to him, "you're perfectly fine. In fact, you're more than fine," he said as he kissed her softly on the cheek.
She leaned in his embrace, feeling his words and his actions soothing her anxiety away.

As they continued to pack, the conversation drifted towards other topics.

They talked about their work, their colleagues, and their plans for the future. They laughed and joked and enjoyed each other's company, but throughout all of it, he made sure to give her extra comfort and reassurance, especially whenever he saw her overthinking creeping in.

Eventually, the box was packed, Emily was tired and ready to leave, she was relieved that the packing was over and that her things were all packed and ready to move in.

Hotch looked at the box and then at her, he smiled, "that's done," he said, "ready to move in with me?"

She smiled, "yes, I'm ready, " she said, "as long as you're sure you want me to live with you."

He looked at her with a serious expression and took her hand, "I have never been more sure in my life," he said with sincerity, "I can't wait to wake up with you every morning."

She blushed and smiled, "I can't wait either, " she said, as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips, "I know it'll be different but it's going to be great."
They both knew that living together would be a big change, but they were ready and excited to take on this new step in their relationship.


I deleted the last few chapters of the story because I felt like it was going too fast so I decided to add some in between before they get married and stuff like that and maybe another case, up and down do you know what I mean?, and another Phoebe Bridgers reference so I love that for us and for Emily of course so I hope you will follow along with the new chapters of the evolution of Hotchniss, and I really hope you enjoyed reading the chapter as much as I like writing it


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