Chapter 5 - Become The Hunter Or To Be Hunted

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"Huff... huff... Hey, Jeo, can we defeat all these monsters?" says Sienna.

"Sure can," Jeo replied.

"Alright, when I count to three, we attack, okay?"


"Three... two... one... now!"

As Sienna ran away, he left Jeo to kill all the monsters and said, "Good luck, Jeo! Please hold them off!"

Jeo then replied, "Eh??"

The monsters then jumped at him as he struggled to kill them all and said, "God damn you, Sienna!!! I'll never forgive you!!!"

Sienna was closely watching Jeo's face, thinking, "Why the hell is he sweating so much while sleeping? Is he having a nightmare or something? Should I wake him u-"

Jeo then opened his eyes, panicking while simultaneously saying, "God damn you, Sienna!!! I'll never forgive you!" He almost kissed her, but Sienna managed to dodge a millisecond away.

Sienna then angrily said, "You shit! You scared the living soul out of me."

Jeo then replied, "You're going to leave me, aren't you?"

"Ah, so your dream was about me, hahahaha! I guess you have fallen for me, haha," Sienna said, laughing with confidence.

"What?" Jeo said. "Don't get the wrong idea. You left me while I was killing monsters! You ran away and I almost died!!!"

Sienna then replied, "It's just a dream. I'll never leave you," in a cute voice.

Jeo then replied, "Stop with that! Ahh, it's cringe as hell. Anyways, we need to stop yapping and go now, right?"

Sienna then said, "Ah, right. Let's go. Gather what you need; we leave after."

Noah, Jay, Nathan, Zack, and Shelly then said to each other, "We need to find other survivors to gain intel about this world."

Zack then replied, "Dude, that's a bad idea. What if it's a monster?"

Nathan then replied, "We have no choice."

Shelly then said, "Let's gather weapons first. At least we have a weapon, and that monster might still be alive. From what it looks like, even getting hit in the head is not enough. We have to be careful."

Noah then replied, "This world we are in is massive. We need to make a map or something so we don't get lost."

Jay then said, "We have to go back to the auditorium where our stuff is. I brought papers and other things there we might need, and our classmates' belongings. We have to scavenge them for loot."

Noah then replied, "We need to find a shelter first. That's our priority."

Zack then said, "So what now? Should we split up?"

Nathan replied, "It's not good to split up. They can take your appearance and all that. We need to stick together no matter what."

Shelly then replied, "What if there are monsters in the auditorium or something? We don't know how to fight them."

Nathan then replied, "Okay, first find a shelter, and then we go find people. It's too risky going back to the auditorium."

Noah then agreed, "Let's find shelter first."

The group then tried to find shelter.

Meanwhile, in AREA 3...

"Sir, it's impossible to kill the rank boss. He's too strong. I barely escaped. Five people died. We planned this so well, but he didn't even get a scratch from all we did. That giant bastard."

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