Wing shaped scar (Destiel)

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"CAS" Dean shouts running around the abandoned warehouse. Him and Cas had been hunting a rogue angel named Kushiel from his garrison.

Castiel had run off to follow him and now Dean couldn't find him. He'd been looking for ages with no luck and he was starting to panic.

'DEAN' Dean hears Cas shout. He sprints over in the direction it came from just in time to see Castiel being stabbed in the stomach with the Angel blade by Kushiel

Kushiel ran quickly when he saw Dean's murderous face, leaving Cas dying on the floor. It hadn't gone in far enough to kill him immediately, but he was dying and it was slow and painful. Dean rushes to his side and holds him close, tears in his eyes.

"It's going to be ok Cas" Dean whispers in a broken voice knowing very well Castiel was dying.

"Dean.." Cas coughed, "I..I'm sorry. I should tell you something. I loved you.. I love you Dean" he sputters, "you have to promise to get on with your life when I die' he manages to get out before the wound finally catches up with him and he falls silent.

"Cas, I can't forget you, I can't just go on with my life...' Dean chocked out. He was too in shock to say I love you back, but he sure as hell did.

'Dean let me go, I'll hurt you if I die in your arms' Cas whispered desperately.

"No Cas, I want to be with you for you lasts minutes. I... I l-" he almost said but was blinded by a piercing light as he watched Cas exploding in light.

"CAS" he screamed and covered his eyes.

He held Cas' limp body tightly, barely aware of the piercing pain on his stomach. He looked up to the sky blinded by the shameless tearing streaming down his face.

"Cas! Cas...please come back. I love you too, I always have. Cas. Please" his voiced cracked desperately as he sobbed.

Dean knew Cas wasn't coming back this time and no matter how many times he screamed it, Cas wouldn't hear him.

He suddenly became aware of the intense burning on his stomach, the pain kept rising but he ignored it and held Cas' dead body tighter.
After a few minutes, the pain on his stomach became too much and he passed out, Castiel still in his arms.


Dean woke up crying and screaming in his own bed.

Had it just been a bad dream? He cringed at how sore his stomach was a decided to get up and examine it. He stood in front of the mirror and lifted his shirt up.

Almost immediately tears welled up in his eyes. There on his stomach, was a wing shaped scar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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