Chapter 10

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Just wanted to thank you guys for over 100 votes, you're amazing! ^-^ ♡

Makoto and the others stayed up long that night. They had lots fun and enjoyed being together with everyone. Rei and Nagisa got along with Sousuke quite well, which made the trip really relaxing.

"I think we should go to bed now", Rei said and pointed at Nagisa, who was already sleeping on his shoulder.

Sousuke agreed, so Rei got up and carried his friend into their tent. Makoto thought it looked really cute and if he had his cellphone with him he would have taken a picture. They were just too adorable!

"Let's go to sleep too, then", Makoto said and entered their tent. It was a small one, with two mattresses squeezed in, so they didn't have much space for their bags, but there was still enough space to sleep. It was only for two nights anyway and Makoto didn't mind sleeping close to Sousuke.

After Sousuke entered the tent and closed the zipper he threw himself on his mattress and pulled Makoto close to him.

"Finally alone", he mumbled and hugged his boyfriend harder.

"Sousuke, are you alright?", Makoto asked confused.

"Sure. I just really wanted to hug you", he answered and sighed.

Makoto smiled and hugged him back. He loved being touched like that, all nice and innocent.

"Ah, that reminds me. I still need to get my revenge."

With an evil grin on his face Sousuke pushed Makoto down onto the mattress and positioned himself above him.

"R-Revenge for what?", Makoto asked, already blushing. Of course he knew what Sousuke meant.

"For teasing me", Sousuke said and leaned down to kiss him passionately.

Makoto's whole body was hot, every spot Sousuke touched with his lips or fingers burned and turned him on even more. He played with Sousuke's hair and chewed on his lower lip, which caused his partner to moan.

"You're getting better and better", Sousuke praised and was about to take off his shirt when it suddenly was really bright in the tent for a short moment.

Sousuke stopped his movements and looked at Makoto.

"Was that...?", Makoto asked, but was interrupted by a loud thunder.

"Probably", Sousuke said and when they heard rain pouring down on the tent they knew it for sure.

Slowly but surely a storm approached.

Sousuke took a look out of the tent and sighed. "This is bad. The sea is a total mess, gotta be really windy out there. I guess that wind will reach us soon too...", he said more to himself than to Makoto.

"Shouldn't we warn the others?", he asked and looked out of the tent, too. Sousuke was right. He couldn't see much because of the darkness but the sea didn't sound calm at all and even the rain got heavier.

"Yeah, good idea. I'll go warn them... We should probably look for shelter somewhere here on this island, so you pack our things", Sousuke demanded and ran out of the tent to Rei and Nagisa.

Makoto did as he was told and threw everything small enough to fit in the bag into it. He could feel how the weather changed. The cold wind got stronger and made the whole tent tremble. It was not like Makoto was afraid of storms but he wasn't sure if the tent would still be standing there after this storm so he'd rather be somewhere safe now.

"Makoto, leave everything but our bags in the tent and come out now!", he heard Sousuke shouting.

Rei and Nagisa were already outside and walked into the direction of two or three small houses near the beach, while Sousuke waited till he caught up to him.

When Makoto almost reached him he looked up to him and saw a shocked expression on his boyfriend's face. What was wrong with Sousuke?

"Makoto, watch out!", he shouted and started moving.

But it was too late. Due to the strong wind something big flew into his direction and hit his head.

Makoto lost conciousness in the middle of the storm.

(Im)Possible? ~ Sousuke x MakotoWhere stories live. Discover now