Her Requiem

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AR-26710 of the Falakor Galaxy

This was her name when she was still in that incubation pod.

Strategic Assault Mech, Samuel IV

This was what she was referred to as when she was made to pilot the suit with that name.

And now...


The girl had gone by many names but this was what she thought suited her best. A guide, someone who was with you until the end. Someone who journeyed with you. A kind, gentle spirit. But... This was contrary to what she was perceived as by those who had come face to face with her. This was not the name that most of them knew her by. She was only a sweet innocent girl who wanted to spend time with everyone around her. She was a girl who just wanted to smile.

Stelleron Hunter, SAM

It tied her down, haunting her, burdening her from ever living normally. Because in the end, she'll always be a murderer.

Because even if a new day dawned for her, the past won't just disappear.

Despite how she felt towards Caelus, she still broke his trust.

"I'm sorry... I had no other choice..."

But didn't she? She wasn't forced to lie through her teeth. Even if Elio's script predicts the future, where was the part where she had to lie to him? Where was the part where she had to betray him?

He's like a child now after all...

'Back when I knew him,' she thought, 'He was aloof, shy, but intelligent. We had only a few interactions then and even now but...'

She recalled the time when she was stabbed by Death. The pain, the feeling... It still felt fresh. Dreamscape or not, it felt real. It felt like the wound still existed. Perhaps when it killed her by stabbing her through the heart, it had finally taken away what was dead inside already.

In the end, she was cold, heartless and an agent of chaos- a creator of purgatory.

But... Even with those limited interactions...

As the girl flew through the starry skies, clad in that silver armour of hers. She couldn't help but stare at her hands for a moment...

'This suit... It's not like this guarantees my survivability... It's only a temporary cure... And considering how long I've spent out of it now...'

She smiled dryly. "Guess it's almost time..."

Like fireflies to a flame... Life begets death.

But when you stare into the abyss called Death for so long as if enchanted by it, no one knows when it'll rush to embrace you.


March 7th sat on the base of a fountain. Surprisingly, no one was there in the area. They must've all gone somewhere or just back to reality. But in the end, in that moment, that was not where Firefly's concerns lay. She noticed how March didn't even pay her any mind. She sat, silent.

Her eyes were red and puffy. Tears were still falling, joining the ones that'd already dropped down to dry, as if they were singing a requiem for her.

When Firefly looked into those eyes that were once filled with vitality, she could only find a husk of a person, glassy-eyed.

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