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"BIRDS OF A FEATHERWE SHOULD STICK TOGETHER"Birds of a feather — Billie Eilish

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Birds of a feather — Billie Eilish

Me, Katie and Lilt kept walking the down the hallway where we met the faces of, Claire Biggs and Lizzie Young. I didn't know what to think of Lizzie honestly, since she was Hughies first love and all of that bullshit. I glanced at Katie then glanced at Claire to find her beaming at me.

"Cam! Heyy!" Claire smiled at me turning to the rather small? Brunette girl next to her. "Cam, this is Shannon, Shan this is Camilla! Shan is new here." She smiled between us. Shan gave me a small smile and I waved at her. "What do you guys have next?" Claire asked glancing at all of us.

"Uh I have science." Shan mumbled and I smiled at her. "Same." I said softly and her eyes lit up slightly. Shan reached inside her pocket. "Oh, I think I forgot something in the bathroom." She said softly with a sheepish expression on her face. Claire and Lizzie both turned to her but Lizzie spoke up first, "I can come?"

Shan shook her head. "I'll be okay—" I interrupted her. "It's okay, I'll come. We have the same class anyway." Shan paused for a moment before she nodded at me and I smiled. "Great!" I smiled.

After a moment of just talking and joking around the bell rang, we all went our different ways and I led Shan to were the bathrooms were. "It's kinda long walk." I paused breaking the awkward yet somewhat comforting silence. "So, do you have any siblings?" I asked trying to make small talk.

She nodded. "Yeah, 5." I chuckled, "damn, 5? That must suck, I only have an older brother." I smiled as we reached the rugby field. "Well, the bathrooms are just past there." I said awkwardly glancing at her then the rugby field. "Don't worry, my brother plays if anything happens he'll do something or Johnny maybe."

We walked past the rugby field and some of the guys yelled at us, Finn instantly shooting them glares, I nudged Shans shoulder and pointed out my brother, "That's my brother Finn." I said, as she looked in the direction where I was pointing. She chuckled slightly and we kept walking.

Then a fucking damn rugby ball — I think. Hit Shan in the head. "Jesus." I said crouching down to her, "you okay?" I asked as she tried too get up. She shook her head as Johnny came over. I turned to him, "did you hit her?" I asked, and his expression turned sheepish. "Yeah." He mumbled, "Jesus." I paused. "For captain I thought you'd have better aim then that."

He rolled his eyes as I helped her up, if her day could get any worse she flashed the damn rugby team. "Oh Jesus." I mumbled stepping in front of her as I blocked her from the guys and Johnny shot them all glares. "Sorry Shan, Jesus. Want my coat?" I offered and she nodded. I pulled my coat over my head and passed it too her.

"Do you need the nurse or anything?" I asked grabbing her pink bag from the floor. I looked back at Johnny, "get over here Johnathan, you caused it." I said as he walked over too us standing on the opposite side of Shan.

I slung my arm over Shans shoulders and she leaned into me for balance. "I'm sorry for this idiots" I said glaring at him before glancing back at Shan and continuing, "mistakes and he's also sorry." I glanced at Johnny again and he quickly nodded. "Very sorry." He said looking at Shan. "What's your name?"

"Shannon." She mumbled, "like the river." I glanced at her for a moment. If I was being honest, I had no idea that there was a river called Shannon, but i'm sure it was a pretty one. "Johnny" He replied to Shan smiling at her.

We reached the infirmary and Johnny turned to me. "You go too class. I'll take it from here." He said, leaving no room for me to disagree. I nodded and passed him Shan's bag. "Cya, good luck you 2!" I called out too them as I walked away.


I watched Cam walk away with a small smile on my face before turning back too the girl that was under my arm

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I watched Cam walk away with a small smile on my face before turning back too the girl that was under my arm. "Your head okay?l I asked as we entered the infirmary. She nodded and the nurse came too us.

"What you guys here for?" She asked looking between us. "Just a check up. I uh, accidentally hit her in the back of the head." I said, rubbing the back of my head sheepishly with my free hand. She nodded looking at her clipboard.

The check didn't take too long as I walked for her too come back. The nurse and Shan came back before the nurse smiled at me. "Her ma will be here shortly." I nodded as the nurse disappeared to deal with more students and Shan slumped down next to me. "So, your head okay? No damage?"

She shook her head. I nodded. "That's good, great." I paused before looking at her again. "Sorry, again." She nodded tiredly before she leaned her head on my shoulder. I didn't really mind. We sat there for a few minutes before her ma came in. Angry. Jesus christ. I didn't need her damn mam yelling at me.

"Did you do this?" She said irritated, snatching her daughter off of me. "Uh yeah, sorry it was an accident, Mrs..?" I mumbled before Shan answered for her man. "Lynch." She mumbled and I nodded. "I'm sorry, seriously Mrs Lynch." I smiled apologetically. Mrs Lynch just scoffed at me.

"Get moving young man!" She shooed me away with her hand and I got the hint. I grabbed my bag off the chair and walked off, glancing behind me. "Keep moving!" Her mam snapped. And I kept walking.

Well that was a morning.

well i hoped you liked it! (sorry if my grammar is shit rn its 2am for me rn😭)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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