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The Impala cruises past a sign: Big Texas Towing and Salvage yard. Dean is driving with Rachel sitting beside him fiddling with two plastic spoons.

She smirks undoing her seatbelt. Dean looks at her confused before looking back to the road

Dean: What are you doing?

Rachel: Shush.

She moves closer to Sam, placing one of the spoons in his mouth. She laughs then places the other spoon in Nathan's mouth. Dean grins, flipping his phone open and hands it to Rachel who takes a picture, laughing at them

Dean turns the music up loud

Dean and Rachel: Fire...of unknown origins...took my baby away!

Sam and Nathan jerks up, realizes something is in their mouth, panics and waves their arms as they spits it out.

Nathan: Ha, ha, very funny, Red.

Rachel: Sorry, not a lot of scenery here in East Texas, kinda gotta make your own.

Sam: Man, we're not kids anymore, Rach. We're not going to start that crap up again.

Dean: Start what up?

Nathan: That never ending prank war. You and Rach vs me and Sam.

Sam: It's stupid, and it always escalates.

Rachel: Aw, what's the matter Sammy, scared you're going to get a little Nair in your shampoo again huh?

Nathan: You're one to talk, Red. How about the time I put hair dye in your shampoo and it made your hair pink?

Rachel narrows her eyes glaring back to him

Rachel: You go anywhere near my hair and you' won't ever see me naked ever again, big man.

Sam: How about the time Dean ended up without hair for a month?

Dean: You weren't thrilled when someone changed your laptop background to Pennywise every time you turned it on, Sammy.

Sam and and Nathan exchanges a look

Sam: All right. Just remember you started this.

Dean: Bring it on, baldy.

Nathan: Bite me, Frenchy.

Sam rolls his eyes

Sam: Where are we anyway?

Dean: A few hours outside of Richardson.

Nathan: Gimme the lowdown again, Red?

Rachel: All right, about a month or two ago this group of kids goes poking around in this local haunted house.

Sam: Haunted by what?

Rachel: Apparently, a pretty misogynistic spirit. Legend goes, it takes girls and strings them up in the rafters. Anyway this group of kids see this dead girl hanging in the cellar.

Dean: Anybody ID the corpse?

Rachel: Well, that's the thing. By the time the cops got there the body was gone. So cops are saying the kids were just yanking chains.

Sam: Maybe the cops are right.

Rachel: Maybe, but I read a couple of the kids firsthand accounts. They seemed pretty sincere.

Nathan: Where'd you read these accounts?

Rachel: Well, I knew we were going to be passing through Texas. So, umm, last night, I surfed some local ...  paranormal websites. And I found one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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