Chapter One: Death Isn't the end?

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My heart thudded against my chest as I sprinted through the city, the furious grunts of bullies echoing behind me, spurring me onward into the bustling streets. With every step I took, I could hear them getting closer and closer, quickly narrowing the gap I had made between us.

"Stop running Cody," taunted one of the bullies from close behind me.

I looked back at them and replied, "I'd rather not," as I pumped my legs harder than I ever had before. I turned my head back around only to see a large building blocking my way. I quickly dug my feet into the ground, barely stopping myself from ramming face-first into the wall. My hands shook as I quickly turned to see the bullies about to reach me. I glanced around, desperate for another way to run, sadly, the only escape route I found was the road, which had hundreds of speeding cars racing across it.

"Nowhere to run now punk," exclaimed one of the boys as he clenched his fist and began sprinting towards me.

I nervously looked between the bully rushing towards me, and the busy street. I realized what I had to do. I wiped the sweat out of my brown hair, and then with a face of determination, I pushed my round glasses up my nose, I knew I only had one way to go. One of the bully's  reached for me, I nimbly ducked under his lunge and ran into the large street. Now I know what you're thinking, 'How can you be so stupid that you run into a busy road?' Well, I have an answer for you. In the choice between risking the busy road or getting pummeled by 'Big Boy Bruce,' I thought, Well I'm either going to die getting my face caved in by a kid who probably showers monthly, or I can take my chances on the busy road with a chance of perishing, statistically, it made sense why I chose the road.

"Eeek!" Shrieked Bruce in an extremely girly way as his fist rammed into the wall where I had been a second before. The other bullies simply froze in place and stared after me, not daring to pursue me.

I teasingly walked backward with my arms outstretched, "Haha, this is why you don't mess with Cody Tana-" I was cut off as a large flatbed truck going way over the speed limit plowed into me while blaring its horn. Time suddenly slowed down as I felt myself flying through the air. It's strange how in your last moments, the most random thoughts go through your head, I soon began thinking up questions such as, 'Why was that truck in such a rush,' or 'Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable... or perhaps it's a succulent...' My sight slowly tunneled as my body began to feel numb. 'Am I dying?' I thought as my world slowly faded, the only sounds I could make out being muffled police sirens. 'Dang, I didn't even get to propose my new take on the tomato question...' I closed my eyes, thinking I would never wake up again after that day, but as most people know, plans rarely go as expected.

That TIme I was Sent to Another World with Nothing but a BackpackDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora