V: The Fight Against The Past

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I am Lord Shacc, the guardian of Sharjasania. Despite my status, even I was but a miserable and irrelevant person in the past. Living on Terra with the name Li Yilang, I had a very different life. Sometimes, the past still haunts me. Perhaps it's part of the Void's will. I can't escape the past. It follows me. Even with a new identity, it still follows me. My acquaintance, Kemono the Soul Literate has been proposed to help me by advice from Justice Officer Dodogy. 

"Hello, with Kemono", Kemono said through the communication device. 
"It's me, Lord Shacc. Would you mind visiting the Seat Of Crabskiff Heaven today?", I said. 
"Oh, h-hello! Of course", Kemono said. 
Around half an hour later, Kemono entered the seat. 
"Hi there Kemono", Justice Officer Dodogy said. "Okay, General Shacc, so with Kemono's abilities, she will send you to your past. We'll learn and improve from it". 
"And if it's succesful, we might even make it something people will pay for!", Intelligence Officer Tyrkys, who was just passing by said. "The better the economy is the better"
"Eh... I'm not sure", Kemono replied. 
"I am here too to supervise you as well", Harmony Officer Talia said. 
"Understood. I'll accept the offer and visit my past for the sake of research. We might be able to learn about Yaiyuiya The Eloquence or Shurokawa The Void", I said. 
"Right, right", Kemono said. "Close your eyes... plongée profonde dans le passé"

When I woke up, I knew exactly where I was. The Singaporean condominium. I remember it. It's on planet Terra. This was where I resided before my departure from the planet with Talia. This was where I initially started my musical journey. Though I had a terrible headache, I slowly crawled out of my bed. I was wearing my favourite Terrian traditional clothing; a hoodie. I looked around. I vaguely remembered it.  
"Shacc! How are you doing in there?", Harmony Officer Talia said. "Do you remember it? This is our apartment!"
Right. I could hear the voices of the people from the Seat, but I couldn't interact. 
"I have a headache", I thought. 
"Be careful!", Harmony Officer Talia replied. 
Looks like they can reply to thoughts. My past was an animated movie for them now. But I was somewhat glad that I shared part of my past with Talia. I don't remember the distant past of my childhood. I remember where my guandao came from. I remember where my lingual skills came from. I used to have a small journal when I was younger. I took that with me. But I can't remember much else. It's like as if the past is missing. 
"Good morning Yilang", Talia said. 
Looks like she was already awake. I wanted to say good morning back, but my voice acted automatically. 
"Good morning, Talia", I said involuntarily. 
Looks like every word I say is scripted. I can only revisit the past but not adjust it. It truly is a spectator movie.
"Today we'll be hiring the new music producer that comes from Slovakia", Talia said. "Let's go and meet him at the airport real quick!"
Involuntarily, I nodded. I couldn't say anything. I can feel everything, I can see everything, I can hear everything, but I can't do anything voluntarily in this world. It's as if a robotic system was implanted in my body, automatically performing things that aren't aligned with my mind.
A hard bonk hit my head, and my eyes shut. In the next scene, I was at the Singapore airport. 
I was waiting at the arrivals. Who was I looking for? New music producer. I don't seem to remember it.

"Hi there, you guys are the music employers for S-KU?", a young boy said.
He had vibrant long blue hair and blue eyes. This person is Tyrkys. Only now I remembered it, this is my friend. What a shame that I couldn't remember it.
"Yep, that's us", I said. "Come and follow me, we'll take you to our temporary condominium".
"Why couldn't I remember this moment?", I thought. 
"Memory loss is common, especially if the literal Divination of Void spoke to you. Don't mind it! We're writing every line down!", Kemono said.
We took the car to our condominium. What do I remember about this condominium? I lived here since... since... I don't remember. I remember who I lived with. Talia. But how did I meet her again? Who exactly is Talia...? It's like I don't remember, even though she is the most important person in my life.
We took off our shoes and sat around the table.
"Name?", Talia asked. 
"Tyrkys Dúha", Tyrkys answered. 
"Nationality?", I asked.
"Slovak, proudly... well sort of if there wasn't so much corruption in the government. Oh, sorry", Tyrkys said.
"Work experience?", Talia asked. 
"Half a year as a music producer for fun, three years as a weed- well... legal herb seller and three years as a hac- well... person who is good at helping people with their bank accounts online. And I'm also good at looking after axolotls", Tyrkys said.
"Hired", I replied. 
"Wait a minute, Yi, there are a few questions left", Talia said. 
She looked at her paper with questions. To me, it totally seemed valid as long as he had experience in the music industry. 
"Determination?", she asked. 
"Hundred-and-two percent. I need a job that is lega- one that gives me a good amount of money... and doesn't get me into too much danger. Because well working in a bank means robberies in my country", Tyrkys said.
That's right. Countries were growing increasingly unstable over the years. Now, in 2026, the tension between countries seemed especially high. Food wasn't very cheap, but I've worked hard enough to be able to afford food.
"I suppose this is how I met Tyrkys, right?", I asked myself. 
"Yes that's the moment", Intelligence Officer Tyrkys said in my head.
Once again, I felt a hard bonk against my head and everything became dark. 

I opened my eyes. I found myself on the Peak mountain of Hong Kong, a country that has broken free from China's will. It was surprisingly safe. I looked around. It was dark. There was a typical nightlife vibe and the view was astonishing, the city lights almost brightening my eyes. I saw someone standing next to me. Talia. 
With full force, I wanted to ask: "Where is Tyrkys? Kiyuu? Is she even here?". However, that obviously failed. 
"Shacc, Tyrkys was getting some food downstairs do you remember?", Harmony Officer Talia said in my mind. 
We were looking out over the sky. The stars were shining bright despite the intense light pollution. 
"If we had the opportunity, I'd also build such a lovely city", Talia said. "Do you remember when we first met? It feels like we've crossed a milepoint since then"
I felt like I knew it. But I didn't actually know it. It's like my memory had been erased. I remained silent. Seems like the past me didn't know either. 
"Come on", Talia said with a light pout. 
"Come on", Talia said in my mind. 
Even if I couldn't see her face, I knew she was making that exact same pout.
"Oh, I remember it now! The music exhibition in Singapore. You were the only one that stayed after everyone just passed by me and looked funnily at me. That's how we became friends", I said. 
"I got them chicken nuggets!", Tyrkys said, running with some chicken nuggets from a nearby fastfood chain.
I felt happy inside. This was a wholesome memory. I knew I wouldn't forget it. Never.
Then, everything became black.

Flashes went before my eyes. They contained sounds, scents and scenes from the past after that. A musical journey. 
I opened my eyes again. I was sitting on my bed. I felt miserable. Why? It must be because I was rejected by the public because of my voice. It lost emotion. It lost its vibe. Small tears ran over my eyes, even though I didn't feel the same in my mind. 
"Shouldn't we help him or something?", Talia said in my mind.
"No, let him experience heavy emotions. I'll have to see what happens", Kemono said.
"You'll get better soon, trust me", Talia said. "No one can sing well if they're not feeling well. Ignore those people, they suck". 
"Oh gosh! That's exactly something I would say!", Talia said in my mind.
Darkness engulfed me once again. It felt similar to the Void, but I couldn't identify it. Talia slowly disappeared from my vision. I found myself in a dark space, surrounded by sorrowness. How did I feel? But those were the negative emotions I carried with me at that time. 
"T-Talia? Where are you?", I asked. 
There was no response. 
"Talia? Talia?! Tyrkys!? Where is everyone?", I asked.
No response. There was no one. Tyrkys was gone. Talia was gone. I couldn't hear them. I couldn't see them. I couldn't smell them. They weren't there. No one was there. I slowly reached out to the dim light coming from above as my eyes squinted and slowly closed. 
The journey to Sharjasania flashed before my eyes. Was I dead? Was I hallucinating? Is this what happens right before one dies? 

"T-Talia?", I stuttered as I almost passed out. 
But then I woke up in Sharjasania's Piscatoria District. It felt like I was back, but this was not the Seat Of Crabskiff Heaven. 
"Lord Shacc! You are alive! You just died from Roksilyuna's Corruption blast!", a random Vurafou soldier shouted. 
"Roksilyuna? Who's that?", I asked.
I felt my guandao in my hand. I looked up. That was the Quintet Of Iniquity, the elite Blinded Vassals.
"Roksilyuna, Petuniya, Pannaymon, Ketyka and Orti from Lyudvih! The feared criminals of Sharjasania! Defeat them!", the Vurafou Guard said. 
The second after he said that, a gigantic bug came out of the ground and ate him whole. In disgust, I quickly ran away. Is this still the past? 
But before I could get away, Orti released a dark green cloud putting me into a coma. 
"Am I... dead?", I asked myself. 
No answer. Not from anyone. 
My eyes started closing as I started losing conciousness. 
"Wake him up! Something interfered!", a voice said. "Talia you do something!"
I closed my eyes as I felt a warm hand slowly pull me up. 

"Shacc? Shacc!? Hello? Are you alive?", I heard a kind female voice say. 
It was Talia who saved me. 
"Y-yes I'm safe and alive", I said. "A-are you?"
I looked around. This was the seat. No weird things, hopefully.
"A third party interfered with the past, mister Shacc. Please excuse me for this mistake. I will contact Dr. Providence. He'll be able to provide information about this", Kemono said. 
"You did beg quite a lot of times for my help, tee-hee", Talia said. 
I smiled awkwardly.

Within a few minutes, Dr. Providence entered the seat. 
"Ah, miss Kemono. What is it that I have been called for?", Dr. Providence asked. 
"While sending Lord Shacc into the past, an unknown third party interfered and almost put him into eternal unconciousness", Kemono said. "Do you know what happened?"
"This technique you've used is not just a technique of Eloquence, miss Kemono. This is a technique of Reminiscence. In case you didn't know, Huyi The Reminiscence was a Divination that was worshipped on Marrom-V, alongside Genso The Illusion", Dr. Providence said. "Huyi was usurped by Yaiyuiya while Genso was usurped by Shurokawa. If you could provide more details about the experience, I'll be able to provide more information in advance".
"I'll explain this. Dr. Providence, I found myself in Piscatoria after waking up from a dark Void. A Vurafou soldier then told me the following names: Roksilyuna, Petuniya, Pannaymon, Ketyka and Orti. A location named Lyudvih was mentioned. These people looked the same as the Quintet of Iniquity. Then Orti released a cloud which almost killed me", I said. 
"Orti, this name is Marromian. This same Orti is from the real Quintet Of Iniquity, right? She is a Clouded Trickster, one of Genso's followers. The real names of the Quintet Of Iniquity were just told by her. There is no real Luna, The Joel, Panaimon or Ketika. They were but illusions put out by her. Their real counterparts look like that what you've experienced in the dream. It's best to forget about those illusions, Lord Shacc", Dr. Providence said. "Miss Kemono, I advice you to not use Huyi's technique this way. It can be dangerous". 
"Understood!", Kemono said.
"Allow me to use this information to write a new article in the Sharjasanian news. It's time for me to go again", Dr. Providence said.
He then left the Seat.

"Is this the past? Is that all of it?", I asked. "A large gap is in between the fragments I've just seen". 
"Some things are meant to be forgotten", Justice Officer Dodogy said. "Be happy with the ones that are still with you. Those are the memories that matter".
"Understood", I said.
"I mean you've written many books about the past, so I guess it's fine to forget something. There needs to be space for new memories after all! Come, take a day off Shacc! Let's go to Lakéby Ranges and look over the city like we did in Hong Kong! Tyrkys, come with us!" , Talia said excitedly.
I smiled and nodded. Talia has the best ideas. Tyrkys nodded too. 
I guess the old S-KU could finally see the past and future align. And onwards we'll go. No matter how painful or distinct the past is, I'll remember that what counts and let go of that what doesn't. Thank you for everything, everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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