Only Reprieve For Ghosts

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*Charlie's P.O.V*

Before Leo could fully comprehend what could happen, a click sound erupted. Jackson halted, turning to the sound, turning to Harry.

"L-let him go," Harry stuttered.

Jackson eyed him in ridicule, edging towards my friend like he's found an easier prey. Before he could seize my flustered friend, though, Leo utilised his reprieve to dash.

"Hey!" Harry yelped as he was caught in Leo's wind. A firm grip connected the boys as they skipped to the living area and out of the apartment. Hot on their tail, Jackson rained threats on them. The threats dragged on, and for a moment, Harry felt they had been running forever. They were already blocks from the man's apartment, nearing a busy road. The traffic lights were red. Cars were eager to move. Leo and Harry bolted before them in the nick of time.

Lights turned green. Their heads spun as Jackson met with a four-wheel. Horror dawned on him too late. It was a split second. Leo stretched out his hand as if it could salvage the matter. Harry held on to it like his life was the one at stake.

Other observers screamed.

Two minutes later, an ambulance came. Harry wailed so loud that they left him in, presuming he was related to Jackson.

The next day, Harry returned home. A tired Leo asked, "He is dead?"

"Yep." Harry's gaze froze.

Leo shook his head. Silence dawned.

"He said Charlie is with a cartel," Harry spoke sadly, "the Adiantes or something."

"Huh?!" Leo stood up. "We have to call -"

"I already called Mrs. Henley, but she was saying some things."

"What things?"

"Like- like they are now trying to find where the cartel's base is. But they suspect it's around where they've been bombings -" Before Harry could finish, Leo's phone rang.

Answering, he didn't bother greeting as Mia submerged his ears with worry. He gave the phone to Harry, who tried his best to calm her despite their dread.


Oh, how oblivion can entrap one's sanity
I have the same dread, but not because I don't know where I am or how I got here. I know everything. I don't like how dark my coffin is - too dark to see if there are insects in it. Too dark to crochet.

When Alexis returns with the thread and needle, I beg for a touch. Mastro shrugs - he cares less so long as I die.

Alexis brings the torch. They lower me into the coffin. I thank them for the light. They shut the coffin. The light is dim. The battery is not as strong as I wanted.

A mini earthquake later, I accept darkness.

When my eyes open, it's to the sound of soil sploshing over wood, trickling down either side callously. Mastro can't convince the Earth to swallow me whole - his only choice is more suffering.

"Water," he groans to his sister.
She rolls her eyes, "Just come inside. When you have eaten and everything, you can continue."

"But daddy -"

"He's asleep. Mom can distract him when he wakes." Alexis grabs his hand. Unconvinced, Madtro follows her.

In the coffin, it can't be said that they have gone for good.  My stomach rumbles, so I feed it my nail. Biting it hard, I imagine Leo scolding me for this habit.

What would Mia do? Get a nail polish. Aware that I like to coordinate my look, she would take whatever colour of an outfit on me and paint her nails, so I couldn't resist snatching polish. This would result in our nails matching. I have blue on blue: denim top and bottom. The jeans smell fresh off the laundry, taking me back to when Berry took me to a zoo.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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