Chapter IV | New Life.

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Some hours had passed since the unfortunate tragedy. Y/N was in the main hall of the Reiss estate, with a gaze fixed on the ground, arms crossed over their legs, and slouched forward while Frieda watched them silently and with a sad face, she hated seeing them like that.

The bodies of Y/N's parents had already been collected and were being prepared for a dignified burial. After being saved by Kenny, Mary was inconsolable, crying non-stop and seemed very, but very hurt. After a few hours, the poor girl finally succumbed to sleep while Y/N was in the hall with their friend.

Frieda didn't say anything; she didn't know what to say and hated herself for not being able to console her friend who, despite showing serenity, was hurt inside.

"They didn't even say why". began Y/N as they lifted their head, making Frieda finally look into their sad eyes. "They just killed them" Y/N gently touched their head while averting their gaze back to the ground.

Frieda observed the sad figure of Y/N and, with gentleness, approached them, sitting down slowly beside them. Their eyes held a mix of concern and sadness as they watched the child.

"You don't need to say anything, Y/N; your pain speaks loud enough" whispered Frieda softly, her voice tinged with compassion while Y/N kept their gaze towards the ground.

As Frieda watched over Y/N, she felt a desire to comfort and support her friend. With a tender gesture, Frieda extended her hand and placed it gently on Y/N's shoulder, giving a slight squeeze as a sign of comfort.

"I'm here for you" she whispered with a voice full of empathy.

"I know" finally said Y/N as they raised their gaze to look at Frieda.

"You've had to bear such a great loss, but you're not alone in it; I'm here with you, ready to help carry some of that burden" Frieda declared with affection.

"You have no reason to do that; it was my family, not yours" Mentioned Y/N looking her straight in the eyes. Frieda's heart felt a pang of sadness; that statement was true, but Frieda didn't care. With a low but firm voice, she spoke.

"It doesn't matter who they were; your family or mine. They were your loved ones, and their loss is a burden you don't have to bear alone" she said with a voice tinged with protection.

"I'm more worried about Mary, she's going to be traumatized" Y/N expressed their true concern.

Upon hearing about Mary, Frieda's expression became even more solemn. "Mary" she whispered softly; the name leaving her lips with a sigh. "You're right to be concerned about her. Trauma at such an early age can leave scars that never truly heal" she said with understanding.

"What am I going to do now? I'm the last male member of the Morningstar family and I'm just a child... Mary can't live alone with me" Questioned Y/N.

Frieda listened attentively while struggling with the realization of her friend's words; she could feel the immense pressure weighing on young shoulders. She took some moments before responding in a soft voice.

"It's a heavy responsibility, one that no child should have to face. But you're stronger than you think, Y/N." She said with eyes filled with both concern and determination.

"I'm strong...I'm strong yes" Whispered Y/N with growing determination. Frieda smiled at seeing that improvement.

"So you are," affirmed, her gaze fixed on her friend with unwavering support. "You've already shown great strength in facing this tragedy. And you're not alone either. I'll be here for both you and Mary."

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