Cigarette burns|ch-9 stiches

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Ace cried laying in the hospital bed as the medicine kicked in knocking him out when he woke up he had stitches in his thighs and wrist

Ace cut to deep. To deep into his soft baby like skin. He was in pain, his thoughts raised threw his head he screamed


He cried later that day in his bed as the voices told him to die he called jaylen crying

"D- jaylen.."

That's all he could muster out before dropping his phone passing out tears ran down his face as jaylen panicked hanging up and running to get dressed he ran to ace's apartment grabbing the key he had to ace's apartment incase ace had a breakdown again this wasent rare for jaylen and ace.

Jaylen sighed picking the boy up cradling him and tracing the stitches

"I'm sorry.."

He whispered to the boy apologizing for not being there when he was needed more then anything maybe if he picked up his phone maybe ace would be okay maybe ace wouldn't have stitches everywhere maybe ace wouldn't have hurt as much.

This happened four months ago from today Jaylen sighed as he rubbed his face

"I'm sorry." He thought to himself

Jaylen sat on the coutch sipping tea as ace slept in the next room over, Jaylen adored ace truly but was scared of hurting him.

Ace slept in the other room peacefully as Jaylen overthought there relationship over the past four months they were just having communication issues even though ace cried in his arms almost daily Jaylen never got the signs that he was in pain he was struggling more and more every night he slept.

But this was only the beginning of there hectic love story.. only four months into it.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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