How You Met

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Tom Riddle

- You were looking for a book in the library, climbing one of the ladders to reach it

- Tom was walking down the aisle, and you noticed that he had the book you needed

- You asked if he was returning the book, because you needed it

- He was extremely rude to you, telling you that he was going to keep it

- After that you followed him for a few days, waiting for him to return the book

- He noticed you were following him, and finally gave you the book

Draco Malfoy

- You were at quidditch try outs, going for the position of keeper

- He told you that you were too small to be a keeper, making you furious

- You tackled him to the ground in front of the whole team, and started punching him

- He stopped laughing at you, and Snape came to get you both

- You got detention together for fighting, but you didn't care

- After detention, he let you be keeper, mostly because he was scared of you

Theo Nott

- You were headed to the Astronomy Tower to get high one night

- When you got to the top, you saw that Theo was already up there smoking

- You asked if you could join, and he only motioned for you to sit

- You were up there for a while, simply talking and smoking

- When you went back to the dorms, you realized that both of you were going to the same place

- After that, you started meeting up regularly to get high

Mattheo Riddle

- You were at a Slytherin party, just drinking and dancing

- You accidentally spilled your drink all over Mattheo behind you

- You immediately apologized, but he only laughed

- He saw that you had some of the drink on you as well, so he helped to clean you up

- He stayed with you for the rest of the night 

- After the party he kept finding ways to hang out with you

Lorenzo Berkshire

- You were looking for a compartment on the train, not seeing any open seats

- You found a space that looked empty, so you sat down

- Just before the train was about to leave, Enzo walked in

- He told you that you were in his seat, but you didn't want to get up

- Your friends teased you to sit on his lap instead, and he seemed to think it was funny

- You ended up crammed into the seat next to him, but after that you became sort of friends 

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