Chapter Eight: Nothing But Drama or Is That Pasta?

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"How? How did you do this?"

Emily didn't know what she was getting into when she agreed to help Jacob cook for his date. It was exciting for her and she wanted to help him make everything perfect. He deserved it in her opinion with everything he went through in the past.

They both decided on making a chicken salad, lasagna, chocolate chip cookies, spaghetti, and garlic bread. She thought it was a little too much for a picnic and the fact that he was learning how to cook but she didn't argue. At the time it sort of made sense to her with how he described his reasoning. He did eat a lot after all and she had no idea what Miracle was, maybe she ate a lot too. Plus he wanted to make a better impression than the phone incident, he had a lot riding on the picnic.

She should've argued. She probably should have said no. She should have taken Sam's advice and Billy's warnings about letting Jacob in her kitchen.

She should have suggested something else because the poor man burnt everything! She didn't think it was possible to do it but somehow Jacob burned the water, she now was sure he was a wizard in disguise because it had to be impossible to burn water!!

But that wasn't the worst part, nope. She had to go to the bathroom and was away for a few minutes. When she came back there was sauce on the ceiling, the walls, and the pile of dishes that were left in the kitchen sink and on the counter next to it. Jacob was going to wash them when they finished cooking, so he says and Emily refused to wash them after the third pot became dirty. So it was up to him.

Glaning away frlm the mess she found that Jacob was in the corner of the kitchen with Paul, both of them holding each other in a fetal position while Quil was hiding behind the refrigerator door. She didn't know when Paul came back or when Quil got there, nor did she care, all she cared about now was her ceiling. "How? How did you do this?" She asked them both in astonishment before finally looking back at them all.

"I just got here." Was Paul's immediate defense. Quil quickly added that he arrived at the same time that Paul did. Jacob couldn't come up with a response, only shrugging his shoulders with a sheepish grin and nervous laughter. The truth is he felt as though the sauce was taking too long to cook and decided to turn the heat underneath it up. More heat, faster cooking time, right?

Rubbing her eyes, she could feel a headache forming. "Just ... just clean my ceiling. I'm going to go lay down on the sofa." She mumbled knowing that all three of them could hear her. She heard Jacob asked about the food but didn't need to respond because she heard a slapping sound. She was sure Paul had slapped him in the back of his head.

Shaking her head, she made her way out of the kitchen and smiled softly at Sam who was making his way into the kitchen. The last thing she heard before closing her eyes was Sam shouting.


- At the Cullen House -

Alice was alone, it was the first time in years that she had been home alone. Usually, she would be with Jasper or the rest of the coven but for once she decided she didn't want to go hunting with everyone else, it was rare for her to be alone due to her having visions suddenly. No one wanted her hurt with the recent vampire attacks in nearby towns.

It took an hour to convince everyone to allow her to be by herself. But now she was bored. She just couldn't seem to decide what she wanted to do. She sat in her chair for a while before deciding to color something. Smiling to herself she moved to stand up when she was brought into a vision. The vision didn't last too long, looking around she made sure that no one was home. For once in the few hours that she was home alone she was glad no one else was there, knowing they would ask about the vision.

As she made her way up the stairs, all she could think about was the vision and how much she wished she had gotten it sooner. How if she had how much everything now would have been changed? Would it have been for the better? Or for the worst? She couldn't tell, nor could she say after all the vision didn't and wouldn't affect her that much. Her life will be relatively the same with or without the events that are going to happen, happen or not. At least she hoped they would.

Grumbling to herself, she knew this vision would cause trouble in the home and how some of the members would react. She could practically picture Rosalie shouting about it now while Emmett would either be trying to calm her down or staring in shock.

Sighing while running her fingers through her hair, she walked into her bedroom and went straight to her destination. It was a good thing she decided to color after all, maybe it will help her relax. A part of her wished Jasper was here with her, he could help her relax too but she didn't want to burden him with her vision.

"How am I going to tell them?" She mumbled to herself as she walked to her and Jasper's bedroom. She didn't know how they would react. As she grabbed her markers she decided that she would ... keep it to herself. After all, she didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings or make anyone mad. Now how was she going to keep this from Edward, especially since it was about him!?


Authors note: quick question: would people be interested in an AU where the Wolves and Cullens were actually rival gangs? Who would the love interest be?

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