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(unedited, big surprise) 

Bayla was sure that Ashton could hear her heart it was beating so loud. The pair were curled up on the living room couch under a mess of blankets, trying to keep warm while the dye set. It made the whole room reek of bleach, but Bayla was used to the burning in her nose. Ashton didn't seem to mind either. His hand was loosely intertwined with hers, their fingers shifting in a playful pattern. 

The silence they were in was completely comfortable. This was due to the book in Ashton's lap that neither of them were reading, only pretending to, just to pass the time. He had to keep brushing loose curls falling into his eyes when his head was bent forward, which didn't help Bayla's pounding heart. Sitting here, so close to him, completely innocently, was making her head turn. Or maybe that was the hair dye.

He was humming now, a tune that Bayla couldn't quite place until he started to whisper the words absentmindedly. "Let your body go when you fall, fall on me." 

"Ashton Irwin," She teased. "are you singing Walk The Moon?"

"Hmm?" He lifted his head. "Oh, I guess I am."

"I thought you hated Walk The Moon."

"I did until you kissed me at their concert." 

"Oh, right." How this detail had slipped Bayla's mind she didn't know. All her memories of Ashton had been in her head ever since she'd sat next to him at that pep rally; somehow she'd forgotten their first date and first kiss. It'd been a surprise birthday present from her then best friend who'd brought her despite his supposed hatred of the band. He'd ended up having an amazing time, of course, because Walk The Moon knew how to put on a great concert. Also, that was the night the two officially got together. 

Bayla didn't notice that she was staring at Ashton's lips until the timer she'd set on her phone went off, jolting her back into focus. 

"I'll go see if the power's back on." Ashton commented as he stood from their little nest on the couch, stretching as he did so. "You probably don't want to wash your hair with freezing cold water."


Bayla stayed seated while he went to the basement. A moment later, all the lights in the house flickered on, and all the other appliances turned on with a rush of various buzzing and beeping. Ashton returned shortly after, grinning. 

"Thank god for heat." He dropped the blanket that'd been wrapped around his shoulers and offered his hand to Bayla to help her off the couch. She took it without a moments hesitation, rising to follow him upstairs to her bathroom. When they reached it, she turned to block the doorway. 

"Ah, this is as far as you're coming right now." Ashton pretended to pout. 

"What, you don't need my help showering? We've done it before." He leaned against the door frame with an air of easiness about him, smirking. Bayla shoved him. 

"We just made up Ash, it's a little too soon for shower sex, don't you think?" But Bayla was blushing. 

"It's called make up sex for a reason." Ashton tried to step forward into the bathroom but she stopped him by placing both hands on his chest. 

"Unless you want to get purple hair dye all over yourself, I'd suggest you go downstairs and let me shower in peace." This got Ash to finally back up, allowing her to shut the door.

Bayla was still blushing as she climbed into the shower, thankful for the hot water. As she watched the purple tinted water swirling down the drain, she wondered how it'd been so easy for her and Ashton to slip back into their old, flirty habits. Twelve hours earlier they'd hated each other. How'd they been able to put the animosity behind them? The sudden change was rattling; she couldn't stop thinking about it. 

Brushing her long, newly purple hair out down her back, Bayla headed back downstairs. "It looks really good Ash! Thanks for helping me with the-" she started to say, stopping when she saw her father standing in the entranceway to their house. Ashton, looking rather uncomfortable, stood beside him.  "Dad! You made it home!" 

"Yeah, the streets got plowed first thing as soon as the storm blew over, so we came home straight away. Your sister's in the bathroom." Her dad explained. Bayla rushed down the last few steps to hug him, so grateful that he and Daisy had gotten home okay. There were probably dozens of people injured or trapped on the roads, they were lucky to have gotten back so quickly and without accident.

"I'm so glad you're both okay." She said, pulling away and smiling up at her dad. He appeared to be exhausted, which made sense considering he'd spent the night at a middle school. 

"I'm glad you and uh, Ashton are okay too." Her dad shot Ashton a harsh glance, causing him to shift his weight and stare at the ground. "And is your hair purple?" 

"Yeah, I just dyed it." Bayla stepped back and cleared her throat, hoping some of the tension in the air would clear. 

"I thought you didn't like purple anymore?" Her dad questioned. 

"I've always loved purple." She turned to look at Ashton, whose face broke out into a huge grin at the comment, clearly understanding what she'd meant by that statement. Because no matter how much she tried to deny it, Bayla was still madly in love with him. 

"I'm going to go get some sleep, I think your sister's going to do the same." Bayla's dad was already starting to back up the stairs. "Ashton, do you need a ride home? If that's your car out there, it looks like it's pretty beat up." 

"I can drive him home." Bayla suggested. Ashton smiled at her in thanks. 

"That'd be great, thanks." 

"Alright, great. I'll see you later sweetheart."

"Okay Dad." Bayla watched him go up the stairs until he was out of sight. "So are you ready to go?" She asked Ashton. His shoulders were slouched over in a way that made him seem almost sad, although maybe it was relief at her father leaving the room. 

"Yeah, I have all my stuff." Ashton held up his phone and jacket, which he then pulled on. Bayla couldn't help but notice how his sweater that she'd been wearing the night before was resting on the back of a chair. It was obvious he knew it was there and was leaving it on purpose. Maybe it was a sign, or maybe Bayla was reading into it too much. Maybe he just didn't want the sweater. 

Or maybe he wanted her to have it, Bayla thought as she found a jacket and hat and boots and they made their way through the feet of snow out to her car. Maybe he was letting her keep the sweater on purpose.

Maybe he was still in love with her. 


hey remember last authors note when i said i was going to finish this story within the week? that was two months ago and i lied, i'm sorry. my excuse is that i had drivers ed, and then i went on vacation and didn't have service, and then life got kind of crazy because i'm moving and had summer assignments and such. so i'm sorry. 

there's only one more chapter left!! i'm finally going to finish a fanfic, wow. 


ok this has been a long enough author's note so thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment xx  

Stuck {A.I.}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ