Chapter 3 Secrets

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*Yo! Im sorry for the really late update. I have been going through alot lately and havent had the energy to write. :/ Hopefully updating resumes at a decent pace. Dont forget to comment if you have something to say! :D*

At lunch break, I sit beside my only friend, Marie. As we sit on a rickety old bench outside of our school, I ponder wether or not I should tell her about the Mr. Mason incident. I look at her curly red locks and brown eyes, and know she would not take the news well.

Marie noticed how I was quieter than usual. She stopped her endless flow of chatter and stared at me picking at my food. I was never picky. She puts down her lunch and looks at me.

"C'mon, Anne, what's wrong? You can tell me, you know." She flashes me a smile, "Gordon isn't bullying you again, is he?

"No," I reply, I remember watching Marie bring down the bully with her sharp tounge and suprising strength.
"I think he's learned not to come within 10 meters of you unless absolutely necessary. You had left him 6 feet under when you taught him the lesson." I smile.

Should I tell her?

"HA!" exclames Marie, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sh snorted and fell on the green-clad ground, wheezing and giggling.

She's never reacted to my jokes like that before! I must be getting better. I smile even wider, now, and suppress my laughter.

Maybe I will. Wait, stop pulling your hair out! Oh, wait, I'm not... well, I am mentally...

Marie is still laughing and crying on the ground. "Oh, Anne!" She says when she was able to speak again, "I have no idea why I am laughing about this."

No, she would hate me.

I stare at her. Seriously?

Her eyes pool with laughter as she continues to ask me what is wrong.

"I am just weary and tired, Marie." I said, "Nothing is wrong."

No, I'm not! I don't know whether or not I should spill!

Marie looked at me with suspicion, and I hoped that the mask of innocence I opted to wear would hold up under her steely gase.

Luckily, she decided to leave me alone. With a shrug and a mutter, she returned her attention to the strawberries she was eating.

Well, she is eating... might as well not tell her. She might choke.

I sigh quietly and finger the hidden chocolate bar. I will not eat this bar of chocolate, as much as I want to, I cannot afford to be cursed.

I open my sack lunch, and begin munching thoughtfully on my almost, but not quite, stale bread.

A few days later, I was walking home from school. My sences were on high alert, because I had a feeling deep down in my bones that something was wrong. Something was REALY wrong.

The crowd was sparse, and I could notice a stray shadow that always seemed to be within two meters of me. It was a very strange looking shadow, always hunched over and acting suspiciously. I looked behind me, but I couldn't see the owner of the shadow.

About time! It's been waaay to quiet these last few days!

I shiversd inwardly. I am going to have to be careful of this shadow. I will have to pretend that I do not realise that I am being followed. For my own safety. I tell myself.

The strange thing is, once I passed Mr. Mason's store, the shadow dissapeared. Strange. Maybe Mr. Mason is in on this. It wouldn't be him, because all of the kids within a kilometer of him would start screaming and hiding within the folds of their mother's skirts. He must have hired someone to watch me. No, that sound really creepy. Nononono....

By the time I arrived at the door to my house, the mystery man was back, a dark shape within my window.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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