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Beyonce had, like she said, put space between her and Bryelle and took the week to herself. Not because she wanted to distance herself from her child, but because she knew it was almost crucial that they take time to process and let go of the anger and heavy emotions that they were both obviously carrying. At first, she just wanted her baby back and wasn't thinking about the fact Bryelle was going through it, but after the argument between the two of them, she decided listen to what everyone was telling her and give her space. Not just for Bryelle but for herself aswell.

She took that time and apologized to Shawn, again, for the way she snapped at him that week. Of course, as always, he forgave her. He was a little reluctant this time around though. Every time, they argue because Beyonce has an attitude, she yells at him, he leaves, he comes back, she apologizes, cries, and because Shawn can't stand seeing his wife cry, he instantly comforts her and tells her it's okay.

That's their routine. It's nowhere near healthy. Not for them, and not for Brannon. He definitely hears the arguments, but Beyonce tries to assure him each time that everything is okay.

She apologized to Brannon, too. She told Brannon the same story she told to Shawn and Bryelle, just less explicit and less details. She answered any questions he had to the best of her abilities. He took it good, better than expected because he loved his Auntie Bry. It would never be a problem if she was his sister. He was a little upset when she told him at first because he saw that it made his momma upset and he hated seeing Beyonce upset.

She spent that week with her family, and everything was actually good. The only thing was the nightmares were still present, but they didn't happen every night. They came at random times during the week. During the past week, she had four out of the seven days. Something felt off. She could feel it in her stomach that something was wrong or something was going to happen. Beyonce was near losing her mind because she was worrying.

Right now, she was sitting on the couch with Brannon curled up in her lap watching a movie. She wanted to spend intimate time with him to calm her nerves aswell as his. Beyonce knew that Brannon knew that something was going on and she wanted to keep him calm, happy, and away from everything that was happening and that was sure to be coming up in the future.

Brannon had her watching 'Cars'. She wasn't paying too much attention, but when he turned to tell her something about the movie, she acted like she was watching and saw everything.

What she was really doing was thinking about going to her mother's house to see Bryelle and talk to her. Again. She was sure there would be better results this time since they were both mostly calm. Was she nervous out of her mind? Hell yea.

What if they started arguing again? What if they can never have a proper conversation without snappy, aggressive, responses? What if their relationship suffers completely?

Now, Beyonce was actually scared rather than nervous because she was overthinking things. What if she loses the relationship with Bryelle because she said she wanted 'space'.

Lord knows she needed a drink right now, but for the sake of her son, she wouldn't.

Beyonce was halfway paying attention to the movie, keeping herself from dozing off until she felt her phone buzz on her thigh. She looked down at her phone and saw a text from Shawn, saying he'd be home in just a bit. She secretly wanted to just lay up with her husband to take a minute and still her mind for just a moment.

She texted him back a simple 'Okay' before turning back to the movie. "Momma? Is Bry going to live with us for now on?" Brannon asked, turning backwards to face her.

Beyonce rubbed his back and sighed, not knowing how to respond because she doesn't know the answer to his question. From the looks of things right now, there's a slight chance, but after this conversation that's supposed to be had, she didn't know how things would end up.

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