S2 Chapter 6: Fallen Angel

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-May 17th 1997-

 It was raining. Raining so bad and of course it was graduation, I was so mad as I was in my dorm room putting on my cap and gown. I was ready, Ready to graduate Highschool and take on the world as the future president of America. 

 I was trying to fix my hair as I was trying to figure out a way to have my cap on my head so it would not flattened my hair. 

 I could hear the raindrops outside my dorm room as my roommate was at her parents house and getting ready there as my own family are not even bothered to come to the event which is not surprising at the least. 

 I was playing music as I was upgrading my appearance to at least look presentable as co valedictorian which I had to share with the one and only the other genius child in M.I.T. 

 I rolled my eyes at the thought as I was looking in the mirror trying to do my hair. 

 I was rocking out to some music as I was doing my hair. As I sprayed hairspray on my head which intoxicated the room. 

 I was mumbling the lyrics to the song Dreaming Of You By Selena. 

 I then got a little sad thinking about the tragic ending to my favorite singer. 

 Still mumbling the lyrics I was then annoyed at the thought of the one and only Spencer Reid. He occupied my mind like an annoying fly that would not go away. 

 Ever since I had changed his grade in the system and he vowed to hate me forever I then realized I was thinking of him while listening to Dreaming Of You. 

I quickly changed the radio station as The Summer Of 69 played on my radio and my mood had changed. 

 I then got done with my hair and I placed the cap onto my head and I looked into the mirror seeing myself in a cap and gown that did not look real. I was 16 and graduated from MIT. 

 I wiped a tear away. I did not know why I was crying or why I was so sad. Maybe because my family did not bother to attend?, Or maybe it was the Dreaming Of You song. 

 But I felt a wave of sadness cross my body as I Looked in the mirror. 

 I in my own opinion looked great. I should not be sad it’s not everyday a teenager graduates MIT as co-valedictorian. 

 I quickly grab my stuff and I walk out of my dorm room and I make my way through the walls.

I then look back on all the memories I have of my time here and what I managed to do all through the years. 

 I then made it outside as I was then met with the cold feeling of rain dripping onto my body ruining my hair and cap and gown. I quickly went back inside as I totally forgot about the rain after I worked so Hard on my appearance. 

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