Break Through

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〔 Break Through 〕
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ 【 突き破る 】

There is but one answer to the question I am asking. If you want revenge so badly, then all you have to do is say the word. I will fulfill your every wish, obey your every order, and at the cheapest price there is. What is your soul worth compared to vengeance? Whether you agree to this or not will show me if you truly want it, and which means the most to you. Depend on me, let me take every fall to spare your illustrious name from any blemishes. This is the right thing to do. Break through the veil of fear that cloaks your eyes and hides the truth. Let go the nonsense of righteousness you were taught - it will get you nowhere in the end. Can't you see? It's as plain as can be: I will get you what you want. How possibly could you say no to that? - ♝

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