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My eyes slide open groggily to the sound of Jennie's chickens squawking loudly and I let out a groan of annoyance. Why chickens? Why not something quiet? Something less terrifying? Like... A bear? A dinosaur?

I chuckle to myself, realising how weird I am, before rolling over and squinting through the darkness to check the time. My annoyance returns when I read that it's 4:24am.

With a heavy sigh, I roll off my bed, landing ungracefully on the cold floor boards with a loud thud. The silence that follows is eerie, making my stomach clench nervously as I wander blindly across my room, over to my desk, where my phone rests on charge.

I pick up the slim shape, its smooth surface cool against my warm skin, and click the home button, watching as the screen comes to life. I squint against the light and notice a few notifications. After checking a few apps and finding my earphones, I wander back to bed and snuggle under the covers, my dark hair tussled and messy.

My music blocks out the silence of the early morning and takes me to my own little world, a world of total bliss, as I become lost in my thoughts. My mind wanders to the past and a small frown tugs the corners of my lips downwards.

More memories project themselves across the walls of my mind as I'm slowly sucked deeper into the world of my past. Faces of those I love and hate swim through my mind and finally, the tears sting at my eyes and I'm swallowed up by my subconscious.

I become too lost and vulnerable to fight them, so I lay in the darkness and allow them to take me over. I feel my tears roll down my face as memories taunt me, dancing around my head like they're doing some kind of sacrificial ritual.

The memories steadily become less fearful and depressing, and they slowly become brighter and happier. And slowly, my tears begin to cease their journey from my eyes to my pillow.

I'm suddenly reminded of my music still playing when Wake Me Up by Ed Sheeran begins to play quietly, and somehow, my darker memories flee my mind and are replaced completely with memories of my best friends and myself.

The day I spent at Clara's is first to wash over me, the way she laughed and smiled, the way I could just be myself with her.

The multiple hockey games I've played, the games I won, the support I got from my team.

The days I've spent at school surrounded by all my friends, laughing and carrying on like a pack of babbling baboons.

The crazy lessons in boring classes where we never paid attention.

All my happy memories overwhelm me and suddenly, my tears begin to flow again, but instead of tears of sadness, they're tears of total elation.

I open my eyes again and my room is lighter, due to the light seeping through the curtains. A smile plasters itself across my lips as I realise how this could be taken metaphorically: the light being happiness and the night being depression, showing in a literal form that the good can always out-weigh the bad.

I climb back out of bed and yawn noisily, shaking my messy hair out of my face. I take out my earphones out and leave my phone on my bed before wandering out of my bedroom, without fear or anxiety that I would be yelled at or attacked.

I shuffle lazily through the house and out into the back yard, then around to the pool, where I plop myself down on the cement and throw my legs in, the cold water shocking me awake. I swish my legs through the water and lean back on my hands, tilting my face to the sun and allowing its warmth to flood through me.

With a smile still painted across my face, the wise words of Clara play through my mind.

Even in the stormiest of times, hope can always be found, if only one remembers that it cannot rain forever.


A/N: yay! A happy ending! As crappy as it may be, it's a happy ending all in all.

Sorry for the bad quality of this story. But thank you so much for reading anyway. It means the world to me that you gave this story a chance.

So thank you everyone! I love you all so much!

Stay amazing
~ Leesha xoxo

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