Chapter two

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~ Emma's P.O.V ~

I woke up and did my usual morning routine; checked my phone immediately. I noticed it was 10:05. Shit. I shot up and quickly put my shoes on.

"Hey, Emma what's the rush?" Jake sleepily asked.

"I'm so sorry, but I forgot I have to be at work in twenty minutes!" I said as I searched for my jacket.

"What? You work at a pizza place. Who orders pizza at ten thirty in the morning?" He questioned.

"Well, I have to prep for the day, clean the stove, set up tables." Jake suddenly got out of bed and came over to me.

"Okay, well can we get together later tonight?"

"Um, I really don't know I get off late tonight. Ugh I'm so sorry, but I have to go! It was great catching up!" I said as I ran out the door.

~ Jake's P.O.V ~

"Um, I really don't know I get off late tonight. Ugh I'm so sorry, but I have to go! It was great catching up!" Emma said as she ran out the door.

"Wait, I don't even have your number!" Before she could even hear me she was out the door, slamming the door in my face. Damn.

I walked over to my bed and lied down. Hopefully she has an early shift tonight and can stop by.

~ Emma's P.O.V ~

I ran into work twenty minutes late. I quickly clocked in and threw my apron on. My boss was no where in sight. Thank god.

"You're late. Again." Trevor told me. Trevor was my co-worker, and best friend.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Is Reece (my boss) here?" I asked as I put dishes in the sink.

"No, not yet." He replied. I was so busy with what I was doing I didn't even respond to him.

I finally finished setting all of the tables when Trevor spoke up again.

"So, uh.. I was thinking," he cleared his throat then continued, "that new movie, Jurassic World, comes out tomorrow. I was wondering if you wanted to go? There's a showing at 6:35." He asked.

"Sure! Who's all going?"

"Oh, well... I was thinking maybe just you and I could go?" He twiddled his thumbs and looked at the ground. Why is he so nervous? We're just going to a movie.

"Oh, okay. Yeah let's go, it'll be fun." I smiled and went back to work. I actually am looking forward to seeing this movie, it'll be great to hang out with Trevor.

~ ~ ~ ~

It was 5:00 when I got off work. I had an early shift tonight so I decided to stop by and see Jake. I hopped in my car and sure enough, Me and My Broken Heart was on. I tweeted a photo of me rockin' out and put the caption, "Jammin' to @rixtonofficial 's song! See ya soon!"

When I got there Jake and his friends were just about to head out the door.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" I asked.

"You're just in time! We're leaving to go to the Key Arena. We have a show tonight." Jake explained as he leaned in for a hug.

"You can come with us if you'd like." Danny suggested.

"Umm... Sure. Do one of you have a shirt I could borrow? Just so I don't have to go in my work uniform." I asked.

"Yeah, I have one for you." Jake replied. Within two minutes he came back with a plain red t-shirt. I changed in the bathroom and noticed his shirt when to my knees. I quickly made adjustments and tied the bottom of it with a hair tie. It looked pretty cute if you ask me.

Better Off FriendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora