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I'm eating our dinner here by the seaside together with the squad, and I don't know why I suddenly ended up sitting next to Donny. Hindi ko mapigilan na mapangiti, as he puts food on my plate, bringing me back to the time when we were still in the loveteam before. He never fails to take care of the people around him.

I glance at him, and our eyes meet. He gives me a warm smile, and for a moment, it feels like nothing has changed between us. The sound of waves crashing gently against the shore and the laughter of our friends fill the air, creating a perfect backdrop for this nostalgic moment.

"Thanks, Donny," I say softly, trying to keep my voice steady.

"No problem, Kisses," he replies, his smile never wavering. "I just want to make sure you're enjoying yourself."

As the evening goes on, I find myself stealing glances at him, each time feeling a mix of fondness and uncertainty. The memories of our past are still fresh, but so much has changed since then. We're different people now, with different lives and dreams.

Yet, here we are, sitting together under the stars, sharing a meal and reminiscing about old times. Maybe this trip to Boracay is exactly what I needed—not just to decide about Masbate, but to also come to terms with my past and see where the future might lead.

For now, I'll just savor this moment and the company of good friends, knowing that whatever happens, I've made some wonderful memories to hold onto.

After our dinner, Donny and I decided to take a walk around the island. Even at night, there were still many people admiring the stars. I knew it was kinda risky to be roaming around with Donny, especially with his current loveteam, and I didn't want to cause another issue.

Ngunit wala naman akong magagawa, iniwan na lang kami bigla nila Ate Sue. So here we are, savoring each other's presence, and I don't want this moment to end.

"Hey," pag tawag ni Donny. I've been really spacing out. "Are you good?" he asked.

I just nodded in response, feeling the awkwardness creeping in between us again.

"Do you think I can still contact you even when you're in Masbate?" he asked, hope evident in his voice. Should I be honest?

"I really want you to know that I'm not closing any opportunity between us. It's just that what you have now really makes it difficult to decide what to do," I said, feeling the frustration of the situation. Fuck that management.

"I just need the assurance, Kisses. I'm willing to risk the things I have now, that I failed to do before," he said, his eyes searching mine for a sign. I smiled, appreciating his honesty and the vulnerability he was showing.

"I appreciate that, Donny. Let's take things one step at a time," I replied softly. "We both have our own paths, but that doesn't mean we can't find a way to walk them together sometimes."

He smiled back, a mix of relief and determination in his eyes. We continued our walk, the sound of the waves and the distant chatter of people providing a comforting backdrop. For now, we had this moment, and that was enough.

After that talk with Donny, I knew that what we have will still continue, and I don't want to lie to myself anymore. Gusto ko naman muna na unahin ang sarili ko. I've been blaming myself for not taking a risk before, and I don't want that to happen again. It may be selfish, but we've suffered enough just for the sake of what other people want.

As we walked back to the hotel, the tension that had built up between us started to ease. It felt good to be honest, to express my feelings without holding back. Donny's presence beside me was comforting, a reminder that some connections can't be easily broken.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly over Boracay, casting a warm glow over everything. Our group had plans to go island hopping, and the excitement was very high. I was ready to embrace this trip, not just as a getaway, but as a chance to reconnect with myself and figure out my next steps.

On the boat, Donny and I sat close to each other, enjoying the breeze and the beautiful scenery. Ate Sue, Ate May, and the rest of the squad were in high spirits, laughing and taking pictures. It was a moment of pure joy, and I felt grateful to be here, surrounded by friends and the man who still held a special place in my heart.

As we explored the islands, snorkeling in the clear waters and lounging on the white sandy beaches, I realized how much I had missed these simple pleasures. For so long, I had been caught up in the whirlwind of showbiz, always putting others' needs and expectations before my own. But now, I was determined to live for myself, to make choices that made me happy.

That evening, as we gathered around a bonfire on the beach, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. The sound of the waves, the crackling of the fire, and the laughter of my friends created a perfect backdrop for reflection. Donny sat beside me, our hands occasionally brushing against each other.

"We've come a long way, haven't we?" he said, looking at the fire.

"Yeah, we have," I replied, squeezing his hand. "And I'm excited to see where we'll go from here."

Whatever the future holds, I knew one thing for sure. I was ready to take the risk, to prioritize my own happiness, and to embrace the journey ahead with an open heart.

I know the squad has been eyeing us since earlier, their little smirks giving them away. But I just focused on Donny. After our talk at his house, many realizations hit me. This is why I've been feeling empty for the past four years. Seeing his family again made me realize that babalik at babalik pa rin talaga ako sa taong pinaramdam sa akin kung paano ang mag-mahal. We didn't risk anything before, but it's not too late, right?

As the night grew darker, the bonfire continued to crackle, casting a warm glow over us. Donny and I sat closer, the unspoken understanding between us growing stronger. The squad's teasing glances and knowing smiles didn't bother me. In fact, they made me more resolute in my feelings.

"Na miss ko to," Donny said softly, his voice almost drowned by the sound of the waves.

"Missed what?" I asked, even though I knew exactly what he meant.

"This. Us. Being together without any pretenses or worries. Just... being."

I nodded, feeling the same. "Me too. It's been a long time coming."

He looked at me, his eyes reflecting the firelight. "Do you think we can make it work this time?"

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of our past and the possibilities of our future. "I believe we can. We've both grown, and we know what we want now. I'm willing to try, Donny. I'm willing to take that risk."

His smile was all the reassurance I needed. We sat there, wrapped in the comfort of each other's presence, letting the past pains dissolve into the night.

The rest of the trip was a blur of laughter, adventures, and heart-to-heart talks. Each moment spent with Donny reinforced my decision to give us another chance. It wasn't just about rekindling an old flame; it was about building something new from the lessons we learned and the love we never really lost.

By the time we returned to Manila, I felt lighter, more at peace. The uncertainties of the future didn't seem so daunting anymore. I had clarity, not just about my career and where I wanted to live, but also about the people I wanted in my life.

As we said our goodbyes at the airport, Donny pulled me aside. "I'll support you, whatever you decide. Whether you stay in Masbate or come back to Manila, I'll be here."

I smiled, feeling tears prickling at the corners of my eyes. "Thank you, Donny. For everything. Let's take this one step at a time."

He nodded, his eyes filled with hope and determination. "One step at a time."

And with that, we parted ways, knowing that this was just the beginning of a new chapter for us. It was a chapter filled with promise, with the hope of a love that had stood the test of time and distance. And this time, we were ready to take the risk, together.

-------------------------------------------CHAPTER DONE


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