flower lore

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A rose has thorns for a reason - sirius

Fuchsias only last a few days - Marlene cause she died first-

Bleeding hearts can't help but be toxic - Bellatrix

Lilies can't do anything about their poison - Evan Rosier

Dandelions are only a weed - Barty Crouch Jr

Tulips naturally seek light and will crane and bend at the source - remus

Sunflowers will die if they face away from the sun - Regulus 🤭

Blossoms fall at the moment of their greatest beauty  - lily

Lotuses bloom in the face of difficulty - Pandora Lovegood

The Venus trap is always ready to protect itself - Mary MacDonald

The bat flower is like a secret only few will know -bellatrix x Rita skeeter

The corpse flower is more beautiful than it lets on - Remus

Morning glory will always wither away before the day is done - Alice and frank

Brambles can only disrupt their surroundings even if they don't mean to - peter

Hydrangeas die faster when cut - Andromeda

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