fre llama

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I cunt bleve this. I is fre. Fre. I like fre. I ish away from the cri drops and the pens. I will never se cheeky & turkey again. ^-^ yey! I gues it's Tyme to find sumwhere 2 live 4 lyfe.

I find dis rock. There is a cave & rock. I stand on rock. I fell the warmth of ski. Her bootyful wind brushing aghniast my furr. She is eveyting I want. She
Is always dere 4 me. Ski will never leave me. She understands when I am tried she turns off her light. When I ish too hot the snow falls. When I ish too cold the sun cums. When I ish sad she cris for me 2. When I ish happy & fre she's gives me her wind. She ish my world. She never leaves me. Always ahbove me when ever I Luk up. She takes care of me with her soft touch. Wut moar cold a llama ask for? Nothing moar. Tank u ski. Tank u ski for evryting.....

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