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Joseph pov:

  As soon as joseph was dropped off he ran into his house, feeling his chest burn more and more. It felt as though his heart would burst into flames. He places a hand over his chest once more and collapsed to the floor from the pain.

  Joseph felt guilty for beating Matteo up because that's not how this night was supposed to go. Now people are gonna be talking about him and he'll probably get suspended or worse expelled. Tears were pouring down his face and he began whimpering in pain.

  Joseph couldn't help but cry louder as the pain became more intense. It was becoming too much to handle to the point were he was struggling to breathe. He started gasping for air and continued to whimper.

  A light was switched on from upstairs and footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. His mother noticed him on the floor and rushed to his side. "Omg! Joseph what is the matter?" She gave him a look in disbelief from the sight of her son's state.

  He couldn't even talk from the torment. His mother pulled him into a hug realizing he was having a panic attack. "Okay sweet boy, this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna breathe in." She took a breath in, "and then breathe out." They took a deep breath out. He repeated this breathing pattern multiple times until he felt the pain go down.

  "Are you able to tell me what's wrong?" She asked him as she wiped away her son's tears. He looked up at her not wanting to make his mom stress about him more than she already does. "She hurt me, then I hurt someone and I deeply regret it. All of it, falling for her, and beating up that kid at the dance. I can't do this anymore mom. I can't care for someone if it hurts this much." Joseph sniffed through his stuffed nose.

  "You hit a kid?" She looked at him concerned by his behavior, "why did you do that?"

  "He danced with her and I warned her to stay away from him because he likes her a lot and wants to be with her. Why couldn't she respect that?" He told his mother while looking down ashamed by his actions.

  "Who is she? Is this girl your girlfriend?" Mrs. Descamps was desperate to know who hurt her son. "Her name is Elora and yes she was my girlfriend but I don't know if she still is after this."  He hated that there was a chance that they wouldn't be together anymore. Even though he is angry with her he couldn't not be with her. Not kiss her, not touch her, not go on dates with her, or smell that beautiful scent she had on her. He loves her too much to let that all go.

  "I don't know why she would do that baby, she can't see what's right in-front of her." His mother continued to hold him in her arms as she comforted him. "I don't want you to be around that girl anymore since she is cable of hurting you this much, it's best to keep a distance Seph." She helped him up off the ground and kissed him on the forehead. "I love you Jospeh." He hugged his mom tightly, "I love you too mom."

  The both of them headed upstairs and went to bed as if nothing happened.


"Elora wake up!" Michele shouted. Elora stirred around in her sleep not wanting to get up or do anything today for that matter. "Hmm..."

"Come on I'm bored and want to talk to you." The blonde girl complained. "I don't want to talk." After last night she didn't even want to see anyone today. Elora checked the time to see that is was already noon. She figured that maybe it was best to get up and ready for the day.

"Fine what do you want to talk about Michele?" She sighed.

"What do you think is gonna happen to you and Descamps? Why did you dance with Matteo? And why did Descamps punch Matteo?" Elora started to get annoyed by all her questions but decided to be kind and answer them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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