"Talk to me, Kokushibo!"

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The warm wind blew briskly under the summer zenith of the scarlet sun. The acrid smoke that Michikatsu needed sent goosebumps through his body. Smoking causes disgust and pleasure at the same time. Cicadas could be heard and the awkward silence that reigned between the comrades. The cigarette ended up under the tall man's feet and went out in an instant under Michikatsu's gaze. The embarrassment was overwhelming so much that the eldest son did not notice how Muzan finished with his cigarette.

- Why did you invite Yoriichi with us? He's not a member of our company.

The younger brother was spending time in an obsidian-colored car, admiring another quarrel between Douma and Akaza out of boredom. Michikatsu assumed that he would fall asleep as soon as he was in the car.

- I don't want him to stay at home.

Muzan's lips formed a thin tube, realizing what her best friend meant.

- We're leaving right now. Your opinion is not taken into account.

Michikatsu wearily made an inhuman sound. It was early in the yard , and Muzan was doing his favorite thing , being sarcastic, like a million times before.

- Muzan, I can drive a car as well as your ability to communicate with people.

The social incompetent let out a short giggle, and then Michikatsu watched his way to the iron cage in the driver's seat. A few moments later, Tsugukuni found himself in the back seat next to the twin, and an angry Akaza was discontentedly flaunting on the left.

The whole trip passed quickly , due to Douma's constant jokes, Akaza's aggressive responses and Muzan's witty words . Although they drove for about five hours . Surprisingly, Michikatsu's younger brother slept like a log. The older twin thought that he would be the most cheerful of all and would be the brightest to keep up the conversation. Maybe Yoriichi just wasn't used to such company and preferred to withdraw into himself, and then fell into a deep abyss of sleep?

A group of friends made three stops on the way there. In order to refuel with food and gasoline. Well, of course, go to the bathroom, and then stretch your fragile bones.

At one stop, Muzan and Michikatsu were left alone, but in complete silence they tried not to give each other a look. When Douma grew up in the back seat, at that moment he could only make the situation even more embarrassing by asking about them about such behavior, and then he got his pink-haired friend about the guesses between the prickly relationship.The younger Tsugukuni did not keep up the conversation or could briefly answer Douma if the blond asked him a question. All these questions quickly stopped as they began. The tall guy was silenced by the Muzan with his cry that the Dome interferes with driving a car.

The native picturesque landscapes flashed past the windows. A few moments later, the car froze. A group of friends grew up on the street. Yoriichi, Douma and Akaza saw the forest area for the first time, and Michikatsu and Muzan have been together several times already. Kibuzuji was here, in principle, the first with his family, and after that he invited a loyal friend here.

They had a goal again; to have fun on a hike. The obvious question is being asked; How? To have fun with friends or in other ways to have fun with Music? This is the question Michikatsu asked along the way.

For three quarters of an hour they searched for a place where they would stay for the night. As a result, we stopped in a space that two friends had previously visited. For this reason, Michikatsu immediately brought back unpleasant memories. The lump in his throat at the sight of Muzan and the burning feeling of guilt that did not even leave for a second poisoned the soul of the elder Tsugukuni.

After a day before the onset of darkness, the comrades spent the day productively. With grief, they set up two double tents in half . Next to the point, the company put a car so that one of the people would sleep in a piece of iron. Yoriichi volunteered to be this person , but Akaza managed to dissuade him from the idea and eventually took his place . And after that, some heroes fell into the cool water, while others cooked dinner from the products they bought on the way to the forest.

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