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Ivy walked out of the club a little tipsy. She searched her pockets for her phone and booked a ride. She sat outside staring into the moonless sky quietly. It was a habit she had since she was a kid. She would walk out and watch the stars for a long time.
She always wondered what was holding them up there. Why were they so far off? Why wouldn't she also be so far off? Out of reach? What made them better than her, tat they had to exist in high places while she was down below?
Were they better than her? Or was she worse than they were? Too bad to exist in high places.
She chuckled silently shifting her gaze to the shadow in front of her. Odin, what did he want? The guy walked over and sat beside her. Ivy assumed there was no one sitting beside her and continued to watch the stars.

"What are you looking at?" He asked looking at the sky blankly.
"Nothing that would interest someone like you" she answered aggressively.
Odin chuckled shaking his head "no one ignored me or talks back to me like that"
"Now replace the no with some. Am not a pushover like everyone else or an ass - wipe."
"Why not?"
"You're not different from anyone in this fucked up universe. You blend in perfectly and such people never interest me!"
"No one interests you?"
The cab stopped in front of them, the chauffer opened the door for her. Ivy stood up and walked to the car.
"Wait!" Odin called. He walked over and handed her a card.
"Give me a call when you get home"
Ivy looked at the guy as if he has gone mad.
"Don't tell me you'll be waiting for that"
"Maybe" he shrugged
"Don't" she said "if I wanted to call you, I would have. Everyone knows you and has your phone number as well. I could get it if I wanted it Mr Odin!"
"Just call me!"
"Crazy bastard!" She cursed under her breathe and entered the car.
Odin watched the car disappear past the city before he went back inside. He was interested in that girl, she was amusing. In all his years of study in campus he do never met someone who made his blood boil, who made him feel unsure about himself who made him want to defend himself, a person he had to work so hard to impress.
He wanted to impress her, he wanted to talk to her and spend time with her. Was he losing his mind?
*Get yourself together Odin, she is just a girl like any other. Just playing hard to get. Relax she will come begging. You are the governor's son; Odin, you have everything in a whole package. Why do you bother?*

"Mom, come on breakfast is ready" Jane called through the door.
"I will be down in a moment... Wait, come on and help me zip this dress. Seems like I am adding weight"
Jane walked in, Laura was trying to zip her new red dress. Jane helped her with a smile.
"You haven't added any weight, I think you underestimated yourself while buying it"
"Really?" Laura chuckled "has Stacy arrived?"
"Yes, she's having breakfast already!"
"And Lewis? He suddenly left when I told him Monica was shot . I don't if he has met Sebastian already "
"Lewis is a little too hit headed ma'am, maybe he will beat the man to pulp!" Jane suggested helping the madam carry her handbag downstairs.
"Is he?" Laura chuckled "he was so happy when I brought the girls. He must be happy to have sisters around "
"So, what about Ivy. Will she be visiting Monica?"
Laura pulled a chair and sat down in the dining room. She poured herself  a glass of juice and took a sip. Jane sat down and the other two joined.
"Ivy hanged up on me! She probably doesn't appreciate when I call her to talk about Monica." Laura sighed "she's a difficult child!"
"Maybe you should try talking to her in person" Natalie suggested
"That's my plan. The project took long time, I was not always around for the past six years. It is settled, I think I should spend more time with family!"
"That's a good idea!" Zawadi agreed "there might be more into her character. I mean... It is not usual to see someone so isolated from the world and just being there"
"Yeah " Laura nodded "Clean the entire house today. There is a lot of dust especially in the living room. Oh goodness, it is so abandoned."
"Sure mom" Zawadi nodded
"What are you up to today?"
"I have to meet Helina at the beauty salon. She would like to interview me for the job " Jane said happily.
"I have a night shift at the 7TH HEAVEN'S HOTEL " Natalie grinned
"I am free today but from tomorrow I will be working in the kindergarten downtown until noon " Zawadi hummed.
"I am so proud of you girls. This is good news. We will celebrate this together as soon as Monica recovers" Laura smiled at the trio "it is good to see that you all are finally opening up to the world again. I am so happy "
"It's all thanks to you! If it weren't for your kindness we would still be in the streets. Nevertheless, we enjoyed working in your house... No our house and having a kind mom like you. We ought to make you proud " Jane the perfect speech madam said.
"I am already proud of you, but...
"But?!" They all repeated in unison.
"I want to be a grandmother. Update me when you are ready to marry, I will hold a grand wedding for y'all"
They laughed tightly.
"Marriage" Natalie hissed "Zawadi is the charmer. I think she will get married before us all"
"Oh please, among the three of us you are the one with a boyfriend, remember?"
"Hey, pause... I need an update on that"
"Come on mom, we have only dated for a month!" Natalie started nervously
"He's a chef in Serena hotel!"
"Damn!" The clueless Jane cursed.
"His name is George Bahati "
"He's thirty three and...
Natalie lowered her eyes sadly.
"Come on sweetheart, you can tell me"Laura beckoned sweetly.
"He has a daughter. Ten years old, the mother died when she was seven. He's simply a single dad!"
"What a responsible Man!" Laura though out loud "I mean Serena hotel is quite busy. Being a chef there and raising a daughter on his own. He is trying a lot it is not easy. You must be lucky to have found a responsible man"
"Really?" Natalie was unsure of what she was supposed to say at that point.

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