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Waiting outside the classroom that will be the hearth of detention with a new teacher, I had the random thought of how I ended up here, so i took out my journal once again to add on a note.

"...Just got extra hour of detention. P.S. Make sure you blackmail that brainiac that looks like Micheal Cera Before Throwing insults in Morse Code." I smiled at my self recommendation, and with waning patience, went to the vending machines to get some nice, juicy, sexy, fattening, bit of cookies. But me being the luckiest person I am, got them stuck in between the little vending machine hooks of Satan. I would normally express my rage in a mix of violent loud foreign curse words and physical rage, but it seemed futile, so I just sighed and walked back to class. The door was open so i assumed the teacher finally arrived.

"You're late" The familiar voice from the field spoke. So this was the new teacher.

"Not really, I came in early but you took a while so I went to get some food and failed but you know, I didn't go around yelling in the rain trying to ruin a person's royal seat." He paused and stared at me with a frown, but then again maybe a smile. His persona doesn't seem to suit the typical teacher at my school if i were to be honest, but he still had that annoying old people mature-type feel.

"So you're the one that all teachers speak of as 'the sarcasm queen'." He replied as I placed my feet on the desk. I might as well welcome in my usual friendly self that I am.

"And you are..?" I asked. He rolled up his sleeves and like a stereotypical elementary school teacher. The board read 'Mr. Adair'.

"Yawn, are you Edgar A. Poe or something?" I taunted. "Let me guess, you're an englisb nerd who has their secret stash of Harry Potter erotica."
He seemed to begin smiling in a laughter - type manner, which suprised me,considering an average teacher would've gladly extended my detention.
"And you're a unique hipster rule breaker who listens to 1970's music and enjoys photography." He replies. I smirk at his slightly truthful remark.
"Touche" I say, and finally sit on a desk, feet up, and opening up a book near me. After those remarks, the room remained silent, and I began getting lost into the words stained into a different world. That all stopped of course when I felt...odd?
I discretely looked up.
Oddly enough, my suspicion was wrong, and matter of fact, nobody was even in the room, nobody except Mr.Adiar's desk and left paperwork.
"Seems more like you are the one reading into some erotica" I suddenly heard from behind me. Instinctively I jumped and threw my book at them. Which only proved to make me seem like even more of an ass.
How you ask. Well, because then we had to go to the nurse's office.
"So this happened how again?" The nurse asked, already being suspicious considering she knows my reputation. "I was walking around class when I accidentally tripped and hit my nose on a desk" Mr.Adiar lied. It wouldn't be a complete lie that I felt some form of guilt for have had him lie for me, but deep inside, I was laughing my ass off. In the end, the nurse checked it and made sure nothing was broken, later giving him an ice pack and telling him to keep his head tilted up.
Walking down the hallway to class, I looked down to my feet, hearing nothing but awkward silence between us. "If it makes you feel any better...I'm.....sor....rry" I managed to cough up in a choking manner. Anyone who knows me, knows I'd rather die than apologize, even if I was wrong. He chuckled and patted me on the shoulder. "I can tell you're one to hate apologizing huh?" He says. I make a quick second of eye contact and notice him smiling sincerely at me, I feel something weird inside me that I can't tell what it is, but it suprised me, and so I quickly turned to face the lockers as we continued to class.

Words of Stone (Teacher X Student)Where stories live. Discover now