Chapter 2

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During the last 2 weeks of school, everyone had been preparing and getting everything ready for the trip
And everyone will meet at Zackary house

That day, MoMo woke up nice and early. She jumped out of her bed, happy

Momo YaY it's the day of the trip she said as she jumps with joy she runs and gets dressed and brushed her hair she looks at her contacts I don't need you she said as she puts them in her drawer as she grabbed her bag and packs her things that she would need like clothes toothbrush hair ties Ipod headphones phone charger and wallet some other things she grabs her favorite key chain which is a small white bunny plush it had small black eyes and black toe beans and the inside of the bunny ears were black she clips it to her bag and slips the bag on her back I'm ready to go she grabbed her phone and wallet and shoved them in her pocket and tied her shoes in messy knots as she runs downstairs

Her mother sees her and smiles
Momo's Mother, you seem excited about your trip with your friends

Momo nods happy yes I am." I can't wait
She said as she shoved her breakfast in her mouth in one bite

Momos mother looks over not surprised by momo actions she sighs calm down momo don't shove it all down in one bite geez your going to choke on it

Momo smile with a mouth full of food making a complete mess got it mom she said as she gulps it down mmhhhh it delicious momo grabbed her plate and gently puts in the sink and wipes her face clean she hugs her mother

Momo I love you mom so much she said happy

Momos mother sighs and smiles what am I going to do with a goof ball like you she said as she hugs momo tightly and kissed her head you be safe and careful on your trip promise me honey she said as she looks at momos face

Momo looks at her mother and smiled big I promise momo said as she holds her pinky out her mother holds her pinky out and the both hold there pinky's together and both said together

Both It's a pinky promise we'll not break if we lie we stick a needle up are spine

The both smile at each other and laugh momos mother ruffles momos hair go have fun my goof ball I love you so much see you when you get home

Momo bye mom she yelled as she runs out the door and down the street she runs down to Zackarys house where Ethan Nicole Sarah and Zackary were all packing the mini van for the trip

Momo yells out to her friends
IM HERE she yelled and waved her hands in the air with a big goofy smile as she runs over

Zackary Ethan Nicole Sarah all look over and the smile at momo Ethan continues to pack the mini van with Nicole as she criticized the way Ethan put things as Sarah was taking a list of all the things that everyone brought Momo runs to Zackary and gives him a hug

Zackary hugs momo back hey look who finally showed up the goof ball he teased as he ruffles momos hair

Momo whines stop messing up my hair Zackary rolled his eyes and noticed momo wasn't wearing her contacts

Zackary so I see your not wearing the contact lenses he said

Momo looks up oh yeah I didn't want to wear them cus it's just going to be all of us so I don't see a problem with it she smiled at Zackary

Zackary smiled down at momo you look nice the way you are any way let's get the stuff all packed up momo why don't you go help the Nicole and Sarah .
Momo nodded and runs to the girls Zackary went over to Ethan

Ethan looks at Zackary hey Zackary i see you have some containers of gasoline may I ask why

Zackary looks at Ethan because we don't know if this small town still has power or gas stations so I just want to have extra same with the spare tire under the car you never know what can happen he said as he looks at the check list

Ethan shugs that's smart also I got all the things you asked for and the I did get the gun you asked for just a hand gun

Zackary nods at Ethan good you never know what could happen and I want to be able to protect the girls in case something happens
Ethan nods at Zackary
Same I want to keep the girls safe as well

Meanwhile with the Sarah Nicole and momo

Momo was checking the bags of things making sure they had everything as Sarah looks through the food making sure they had dried food and some canned food and drinks  Nicole looks at momo

Nicole hey momo I have a question
Momo looks up from checking things and up at Nicole yeah what is it girl momo said

Nicole why do you wear contacts we all think your black eyes are very pretty Nicole asked in a nice way not to make momo uncomfortable Sarah looks up and nods I wondered the same thing she looks over to momo

Momo nervously looks at her hands well ummm uhh how do I say this ummmm well back when I was about 9 years old I got made fun in school alot the other kids would call me creepy looking and said I looked like a creepy old doll with my white hair and black eyes lots of people would make fun of me and avoided me so when I went middle school I got bullied so I started wearing blue contacts and I guess I just got used to not showing my natural eye color but when I met you guys in high-school the first year i got comfortable and you guys didn't judge or were creeped out by my eyes so I guess you guys made me feel comfortable with being me and not needing to act a different way then I am and I appreciate you guys as my friends momo said as she looks at Nicole and Sarah

Nicole and Sarah look at momo with warmth and kindness the both give momo a hug
Nicole awww your so sweet and innocent

Sarah yeah we're glad you feel comfortable with us and just know that Zackary and Ethan feel the same we are all your friends and we love you for you
Momo hugs them and smiled big thanks you guys are the best

Zackary shouts out alright girls let's go hurry up

Momo Nicole Sarah all let go and nod

Sarah right let's go help the boys she smiles as she grabs the stuff and brings it over to Zackary and Ethan Momo helps carry to the cooler with Nicole

After a few hours of packing and rearranging and a few names being called and some snack they were finally ready to go

Zackary was in the driver Ethan was sitting shotgun and Nicole Sarah and Momo were all in the back with Momo in the middle seat and Nicole and Sarah on each side

They all listened to music and the car had turned into a karaoke studio and lots of annoyed groans from Zackary and lots of laughs and bickering from Ethan and Nicole and fun games and lots of naps The group of friends drove 5 hours to their destination

Thank you for reading never to be found again follow me to stay updated and check out my other novel

Thank you for reading never to be found again follow me to stay updated and check out my other novel

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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