tu saafar Mera

628 44 11


It has been 6 months 

everything has been going well or as they thought so 

things were getting out of hand for Ravi and mahi the more Ravi tries to impress the more mahi distances him

But one day when mahi was in an important meeting jaddu reaptedly called him which made mahi angry

After he returned home

He looked for jaddu
He saw shivan on dinning table and asked him

Where ravindra he asked

Oh bhabhi is in your room Bhai he was not feeling well so I came home early to take him to hospital now he resting

What had he done so much to get sick he asked and went to his room to see ravindra lay on their bed

Mahi's pov

He looks weak maybe he is faking it

Ravindra he called out in his usual cold voice


Why did you call me that many times do you have sence when I rejected it one time

No Mahindra ji I was not feeling well so I thought you could take me to the hospital.
Jaddu replied weakly

Are you a child ravindra your really acting like one always smiling and helping you don't need to pack oor lunches and all we have maides for it mahi replied

Nahi wo I just thought you will take me because I'm your husband

Ravindra stop trying to become my wife

Mahi ji vo

It's Mahindra for you

Nahi vo

You will never be good enough to be with me Ravi our marriage is just for the convince of my company you will never be someone I love you are not worth my time or my love
He said and went to washroom to fresh up

Ravindra's heart broke despite his efforts even his own husband proved him that he is not worth love what had he done wrong to take care of his husband was it that wrong he understood that no matter what he does mahi will never love him
He left from their sorry mahi's room and went to a guest bed

When mahi returned back he saw the room was empty wondering where jaddu went
He sat on the bed waiting but jaddu didn't return maybe he was a bit harsh
He wanted to apologise but his pride came in between
He slept but the bed did't have
The warmth it used to have  and mahi got used to it

( Eydi savvu ley erri sachinoda )

When the morning rose

Mahi was woken by coffee he saw no one was there but a note

Mahindra ji fresh up and come down for breakfast

Mahi took a sip of the coffee and wondered
Wasn't he sick .

He bathed and went downstairs to find his brothers already sitting there

He took his seat

The maid served him breakfast usually it was jaddu who did
But now what changed
Suddenly what happens last night flashed in his mind
He ate his breakfast

But his brothers looked at him in suprise

Why are you all looking at me like that and where is Rahul he asked

Bhai kuch nahi it's Sunday I was wondering why you are in formal

Mahi looked at himself and realised

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