Chapter 1

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I started to think that nothing was worth living for. That everything in my life would always be gray. My dad left to get groceries, my dad never beat me or anything like that, I just get the feeling he doesn't like me or miss if I was gone. My name is Hope Sanders. My mom gave me the name hope. The day she left I started to lose hope. I got a knife out of my dresser drawer. I have been hiding it just in case. I figured now was the time to go because I had lost all hope in everything. I went in my little bathroom. I stopped dropped the knife fell on the floor and started to cry. A few hour later after I took a nap I went on my phone.

I went on vine and saw the most cutest boys I had every saw in my whole life. His name was crawford collins. I instantly fell in love. Then I realized that I would never meet him.

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