Tarnished, But So Grand

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(I can't get a cat so I'm going to write about getting a cat)


Taylor's been having a pretty big fixation on sphynx cats for a month now. However, we already have to take care of three cats and two dogs, so I'm not sure if I should adopt one.

But... I'd like to be a good boyfriend. So, I research them one night. She's asleep against my chest. I couldn't already sleep, so I just go on my phone and research.

They're hairless. I mean, it's kind of weird. I don't get why she loves them so much, but she loves them, so I should love them too.

Apparently, they need a lot of protein, so I'm similar to one. Haha. They're affectionate and people-oriented. They're also loud and playful. They need lots of grooming because of the excess oil they develop. They're super mischievous. They also mainly keep warm by going under blankets. Taylor will love that.

So far, I don't see anything too negative about them. I go to the local adoption center's website. They have a six month old Sphynx. Perfect.

I plan a visit in my calendar for Wednesday, which is in two days. Technically one, because it's about to hit twelve AM.


Taylor's out doing training at the gym. I made sure that she'd be okay with having another cat without actually telling her that she'll be having another cat.

I pet the animals goodbye, before grabbing my keys and heading into the car. I told Taylor I'd be going to the store really quick.

I make it to the shelter. I get noticed, yes, but nothing really happens. So, I go to the worker.

"Hey. You guys have a Sphynx here, right?" I ask.

"Yes, we do," she smiles, "come with me."

She leads me to where the cats are, then shows me a smaller cat in holding. The cat is grey.

"Oh, she's so pretty." I smile, watching as the worker takes the cat out and lets me hold it.

"She sure is. She's six months old. She's a little shy, but she's been warming up. Her name is Ivy." The worker tells me.

"Ivy. Wow, my girlfriend will love that." I chuckle, watching the cat sniff my thumb and then lick me. She nibbles my digit.

"I'll give you a minute to talk to her, okay?" She tells me, and I nod, watching her go off to help other people that came in.

"Ivy. Look at you. Taylor will be so happy." I coo, planting a small kiss on the cat's nose. She purrs as I pet her.

The cat lets out a quiet mew, and I chuckle. I'm already attached. The worker eventually comes back.

"So, how are you feeling about her?" She asks.

"Oh, I think she's gonna come home with me." I tell her, my mind set.

"So glad to hear! People don't usually choose sphynx cats because of their natural 'creepy' look, so I'm glad you're taking her. She was born here." The worker tells me. I smile, giving Ivy to her.

She sets Ivy in a carrier, and then I sign a couple of papers. She also offers me cat food, some toys, and tools for bathing and grooming, which I of course buy.

Eventually, I'm back in the car. I drive home, holding her carrier with my right arm to keep her steady in the passenger seat.

Once I'm home, I see that Taylor's car is already here. I lost track of time. I leave Ivy in the car, wanting to surprise Taylor. I make sure to leave the A/C on.

I shuffle the door open. Taylor's in front, not looking happy.

"Travis Michael Kelce. Where were you? Because, according to Sheryl, you were not at the store." She says. I smile.

"Relax, honey. I was getting you a little surprise. Go into the living room and I'll meet you there in a minute, okay?" I soothe her, and her expression softens. She nods, heading into the house.

I go back to the car, taking the key out and grabbing the carrier. I make sure not to rattle her too much, shuffling to grab the bag with all the stuff in it.

I close the doors, lock the car, then head inside. I awkwardly close the doors with my foot.

"You better have your eyes closed." I call out to Taylor.

"They're closed!" She says. I put the bag down, then head to the couch where she's at. Her hands are covering her eyes.

With a chuckle, I open the carrier, taking the hairless cat into my arms.

"Keep your eyes closed and hold out your arms." I tell Taylor. She does, and I carefully set Ivy into her arms. "Open them." I tell her.

She opens her eyes, letting out a gasp and instantly shifting the cat into a better position.

"You did not." She grins, petting the cat.

"Oh, I did. And guess what?" I smile, sitting next to her.

"What?" She asks.

"Her name is Ivy." I grin, watching Taylor's eyes light up.

"Oh my god. What a massive coincidence." She giggles, peppering the cat with kisses. I love seeing her happy.

At night, she doesn't curl into my arms like usual, instead, nuzzling the cat in her arms until they both fall asleep. I take a quick picture of her and Ivy, smiling hard at the sight.

I'd do anything in the world to see my girl happy.

(you see, my dad is allergic to cats, lol. unfortunately he's only allergic to the saliva so even if i got a hypoallergenic cat it wouldn't help. when i move out i swear to god i am getting a sphynx and loving it until i die. and i also did a long chapter again for once lol. and if you see any wrong words IGNORE IT)

(fun fact: this is chapter 13)

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