Give me reason

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I live because I love,
With blessings sent from up above,
In every smile and every tear,
Love gives life, and draws me near.

Through trials tough and moments sweet,
With love, my heart is a steady beat,
I face the world, with strength anew,
For love is life, and love is true.

When storms come and shadows fall,
It’s love that answers my every call.
In love, I find the strength to cope,
And in every dawn, a renewed hope.

In a tender touch of a helping hand,
In the ways we may not understand,
Love weaves us close, heart to heart,
A bond unbroken, never to part.

In children’s laughter or aged eyes,
love's a pure truth, no disguise,
Life finds its meaning, deep and vast,
In love’s reflection, future and past.

With love, I rise, with love, I fall,
It’s love that makes it worth it all.
From first hello to final goodbye,
Love is the reason why I try.

Let me care, let me share.
Ease the burdens that others bear.
In each heart, let me sow.
Seeds of love and watch them grow.

So let me live, and let me give,
In this world, let me thrive.
For every breath and every move,
I live for I love and for love I live

My thoughts in writings and poetryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum