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Tuesday, 3rd of September 1996

Catherina walked into her second day of class, taking her seat beside Theo, who was surprisingly on time, she guessed he must've not been able to find a witch to drag in the broom closet with him today. She got her parchment out and waited for Vector to begin her boring lesson.

Only ten minutes into the lesson, a crumpled up piece of parchment landed on her desk, she picked it up, when she read the 'Theo:)' written on it, she realized it was not for her and rolled her eyes, holding her hand out to give it to the boy next to her.

Theo, who had not seen the parchment be thrown, thought it was from Catherina. Raising his eyebrows as the letter got increasingly more explicit— he quickly wrote out a response and handed it back to her, crossing out the 'Theo:)' and replacing it with 'Cat:)'.

She took the pepper back from him, confused as to why her name was written on it, she'd stopped focusing on him the second she'd originally passed him the letter. She sighed as she opened the paper.

Her eyes widened as she quickly realized what had happened, he thought she had written him the note. She had not.

When and where, Catherina? Draco has a
gala he has to attend so my dorm will be
empty this weekend, if that works for you? ;)

She very quickly began to scribble out a response.

This is NOT from me!!!! I do NOT want to
fuck you, thank you very much.
It's from one of the blondes in your fan club sitting behind you.

She handed it back to Theo, her face a deep shade of red, she studied him as he read the note. He got his quill back out and wrote another message before passing it back to her.

Offer still stands, Vance.

You're disgusting. Leave me alone

You're loss.

It's your not you're

I know. I just wanted to get another response

She looked over at him and crumpled the paper up, maintaining eye contact as she did.

"Ms. Vance, what is all that noise? I hope you're not passing notes during my important lesson?" Professor Vector questioned, walking back to her and Theo's desk.

Catherina turned red, "I um, I was asking Theo a question about our homework, we're not passing notes."

"Ten points from Gryffindor for distracting those around you." Professor Vector said turning and walking away from her desk.

She sighed, "Sorry professor, it won't happen again."
She was embarrassed that she had caused her House to lose points, some of the Gryffindor students had already turned to look at her, their disappointment evident on their faces.

Theo nudged her, "Don't worry, Potter will win those back for you soon enough."

She rolled her eyes, "Stop bothering me, Nott."

Theo smirked and turned back to Vector's boring lesson, he'd successfully pissed Catherina off and that had been his goal when he had come to class that morning.


"No Hermione, Theo is the worst, I hate sitting beside him. Vector has some vendetta against me and won't move me." Catherina was explaining her current predicament to her dorm roommate and friend, Hermione Granger.

Hermione, normally in agreeance with her, was apparently trying to play devil's advocate today, "Well what did he do?"

"Yesterday he passed me a note saying he was sorry to hear about my mum's death. Today one of his girlfriends tossed a letter onto my desk and expected me to pass it to him and he thought it was from me. Honestly, Hermione, why would he think that I would want to have sex with him? Especially not after either his father or one of his friends father's killed my mother."

Hermione frowned, "I don't think he meant any harm passing you a letter telling you he was sorry about your mum, Cat."

"I don't need his condolences. He was probably at the meeting when He Who Shall Not Be Named brought the idea up." Catherina argued.

"Cat, his mother is dead too, he was probably just offering his condolences, I think you read into that too much."

Catherina looked up at her, "When did his mother die?"

Hermione shrugged, "I don't know, I just heard Harry mention it one day. I don't think anyone really knows what happened, but I'm sure he didn't have bad intentions. He's not as bad as the rest of the Slytherin's, I've had a few classes with him over the years. I mean, I wouldn't befriend him or get close to him, his father is a Death Eater, but I don't think Theo is as harmful as you think he is."

Catherina let out a sigh as she flopped back onto her bed, this year was off to a horrible start for her.


"No, seriously Malfoy, I don't know what I did to her, it's like the second I sat down beside her yesterday, she just hated me. I've never even talked to her prior to this, fuck, I still haven't really talked to her, I've only passed a note or two."

Draco frowned, "Well for starters, Pucey's father did kill her mother, so I would assume you being a Slytherin is not helping the situation."

"Well I didn't kill her mother."

Draco rolled his eyes, "You didn't have to, the problem is you're too close to the situation. Your father is a Death Eater, my father is a Death Eater, I mean, fuck, even I have a Dark Mark. Everyone around you is somehow tied to the death of her mum."

Theo sighed, before he could say anything else, Draco had already given him a suspicious look.

"And why do you care if she likes you anyway? It's not like you like her."

Theo frowned, "Of course I don't like her, I just haven't done anything for her to not like me."

"Well you need to keep your distance from her before your father hears about this. How would he feel if he knew you were even associating yourself with a girl who has two Muggleborns for parents?"

"I don't give a shit what my father thinks about anything I do and frankly I don't see why it matters."

Draco rolled his eyes, "Everything matters, Theo, if your father finds out you're willingly associating yourself with her, then you should already know who else will find out? Do you want her father to be killed next? Just leave her alone, you'll be okay with one less girl falling at your feet. I mean, honestly, half of Hogwarts is in love with you, why does it matter if Catherina likes you?"

Theo did not have a response to that, instead he sulked in silence for the remainder of the evening.

authors note:
sometimes when i'm writing it's like
the characters speak to me and write
their own dialogue😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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