Chapter 7- Cingulomania

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Zero days left.
I went back to my apartment and got the rest of the things I had. They were all junk so I just threw them away. I decided to go get some breakfast since I haven't eaten anything. I went to the nearest store and bought some lunchables since they were the only things that I enjoyed.

There wasn't any letter when I got to the apartment so either Bryan was lying or someone else found it and took it.
When I woke up Jake wasn't home so I had to take an uber to get to the apartment. I wonder where he was.

I got a bottle of water and headed over to pay for the things. Once I paid, I went outside and sat on a bench nearby. Right when I was about to open my lunchables, I immediately lost my appetite. I decided to put it back in the bag and just make my way back home and see what I can do there.

I realized that it's been almost a month since I had streamed since I've been dealing with a ton of shit. I got back home and headed to my room and sat down on my chair. I opened twitch and clicked the live button. I waited a couple of seconds before the chat began to fill up with, 'hi'  'we missed you' and more shit.

I talked to my chat for a bit and told them I just had to take a break because of some things.

"Why does your room look different"
I read out loud.
"Forgot to tell y'all but I moved! I now have a roommate but he isn't here right now, he went out somewhere. Maybe you'll get to see him in one of my videos or live."
"Can you guys suggest some videos for me to record? I know I've been slacking on uploading stuff."

Everyone in the chat began to suggest random stuff and some of them seemed fun to do.

"Who was that guy that you kissed at Tara's party- oh- uhm.. yeah that was my roommate."
The chat went crazy as soon as I said that.
Some people said 'ew' 'gay' 'ship'  and other stuff.
"We did it for funsies though! We're both just friends and nothing else so don't start with rumors!"
I reassured chat.

"Well I think ima get off now. Sorry for the short stream, promise I'll stream longer next time."

I ended the stream and got off the chair and made my way to the kitchen. I took out my phone and scrolled through Insta while I ate my lunchables.


The door opened and Jake walked in with someone. It was the guy that was at the club. I think his name was tuff or something like that.

"Johnnie! You remember Scuff? We saw him at the club!"
Never mind, his name is Scuff not tuff.

"Sup Johnnie!"
Scuff waved.
I awkwardly smiled and waved back.

Jake and Scuff sat together in the couch and talked about parties and girls.
"Should I invite Tara over?"
Jake asked Scuff.

"Yeah! It's been a while since I've seen her!"
Scuff exclaimed.

I thought Jake and Tara were mad at each other. Guess I was wrong.
I threw away the box and started making my way to my room before Jake spoke up,
"Where you going? Come sit with us!"

"I was gonna go to my room.."

"You should come and talk with us!"

I really wanted to say no but I felt too embarrassed because Scuff was here. I walked over and sat beside Jake. They talked about random stuff but all their words went through my ear and out to the other.

"So what do you think Johnnie?"
Jake asked


"Were you even listening?"

Why wont you leave me alone?! // Jake X JohnnieWhere stories live. Discover now