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A/N Ten points to whoever catches the fan fiction reference in this chapter.
I paced to the spare bedroom door. I stood there for a good minute with fury raging all through out my body. I couldn't handle these kinds of things. Something was going wrong and I needed to end it immediately. I held the knife tight in my hand, slowly building up the courage to walk in there and end it all. Who cares if I go to jail? I'll be out of this sooner than later.


I stood there a bit longer. My heart began to ache. I never knew when I would ever see him again.

Maybe I should wait. Just... I need Scott.

I started to unwind and sat cross legged on the floor contemplating what to do. I thought about Scott and what I could make of this life while I had it.

I walked back to my room with my knife still resting in my fist. I sat on the bed and just looked at my phone. After a lot of thinking and decision making I decided to dial.

"Hello?" A sleepy, raspy voice answered.

"Hey Scott. Uh... I was wondering if you wanted to come over? Just for an hour or so?" I didn't want to sound too eager.

"Oh uh. I'd love to but I'm with Kyle tonight," my heart sank to the deepest depths of hell,"I'm sorry. Mitch listen to me. Are you there?"

I could barely catch my breath. It didn't take rocket science to figure out that this Kyle guy was Scott's boyfriend, "Yeah I'm...I'm here."

"Listen Mitch. I can't keep talking to you. I know what we had was special or whatever but...I'm moving on now. And I think you should too. It'll be ok but we have to go our separate ways. Bye Mitch." And just like that he was gone.

I sat there with my phone remaining on my cheek. It was drowning in the tears streaming from my eyes. A shocked expression was locked onto my face. It was so sudden. He seemed so friendly and single earlier. I couldn't believe anything I'd just heard. Not one bit of it.

He's joking. He belongs to me he always does. He's never been with anyone else. He's fúcking with me right now.

The more I told myself these things the less I believed it.

"He's lying to me," I finally put the phone down on the bed,"I know for sure that he did not just tell me that there's no way. THERE IS NO FÚCKING WAY HE JUST SAID THAT TO ME. HE'S LYING." I continued to lie to myself as I completely trashed my room in the process. Pushing everything off my nightstand and onto the floor. Tearing my blankets off my bed. I even punched a mirror before I decided what I'd do next.

I picked the knife up from the floor and stomped my way to the spare bedroom once again. I unlocked the door and opened it. I just stood there staring at the person that single handedly ruined my entire life. And probably the next one. And the next one.

I tiptoed over to her bed and gently straddled her hips with my legs. I looked over her.

She looks like such an angel when she sleeps. Well it's time to end her life.

I decided that I wouldn't just immediately start hacking away at her. So I slapped her. Hard.

"MITCH WHAT THE HELL GET OFF ME!" She nearly pushed me off her before I pinned her arms down. She wasn't getting out of this so easy.

"You know Kirstie at first I wasn't sure why anyone would ever want to kill you. But I think I've figured it out." I kinda just sat there curious as to what she would say. She just stared at me wide eyed with heavy breathing, "You ruined me. You ruined my entire life. So I'm going to end yours." That seemed to be the moment she noticed the knife.

"Mitch listen to me. I-"

"I'M DONE LISTENING KIRSTIE!" I cut her off before she could even explain, "it's your turn to listen yes?" She just sat there staring me into my eyes, "You seemed so nice. So sweet. just. You came into my life. My world. MY UNIVERSE AND TOOK IT ALL AWAY AND I'M DONE WITH YOUR BULLSHIT KIRSTIE!" I brought the knife up above my head.


"NO BABY GIRL I'M DONE!" I started to bring down the knife quickly hoping it would plunge straight into heart but I wasn't so lucky. She grabbed my arm before it could touch her.


How on earth?

"And and. Uh you had a flashback that's why you spaced out right?" I started to loosen myself, "And teresa? She's gone isn't she?" That made me get off her in a heart beat. I backed away until my back hit the wall. My voice was ragged from the yelling.

"How could you possibly know any of that?" I whispered. It's all I could get out.

"Because you dummy...I'm your sister."

Before I could even respond I was on the floor and couldn't see. It didn't feel like a flashback. It was different. I opened my eyes and I wasn't in the spare bedroom anymore but I was on the ground still limp. I saw a woman's figure approaching. She kneeled down to get closer to me. I looked up at her. She had very short brown hair with a blonde streak. She had on nice fitting jeans and a crop top with floral prints. Her sandals were the same pastel pink as her top and she had a beautiful face.

"Mitch can you hear me?"

"Who are you?" I asked as I slowly sat up. Her smile widened showing straight white teeth.

"I'm Teresa. You may have heard of me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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