Dinner Disaster

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Soon I found myself sitting in Deans car outside my house, cheeks tear stained and red blotchy eyes. In other words very attractive. We hadn't spoke since the vet, it was very quiet.

"Thanks for the lift" I muttered unbuckling my seatbelt and going to open the door.

"I don't think I've ever seen someone so upset about a bloody cat" he muttered lifting one eyebrow and turning off the engine.

"She has nobody" I whispered looking at his eyes, mine starting to get teary again making Dean roll his eyes once more. Then I saw something I wanted to forget or rather someone , Margo and I didn't have any of athe food or a boyfriend with me. My day then got progressively worse as she spotted us. Suger.

"Please I'm really sorry don't speak," I stammered as I tried to kindle my brian into to coming up with a plan. Leaving Dean looking really confused and bewildered.

"So Emily... this is your boyfriend," I turned to see Margo leaning against the window fluttering her eye lashes, I think I'm going to be sick.

"Uh well you se-"

"Hi I'm Dean, you must be Margo" Dean said and reached over to shake her hand. I just sat there in shock, totally unaware of what to do with my life.

"I'll just nip home and change I hope Chinese food is okay we just made a big order." He could charm the pants off a donkey. Without waiting for a response he reached over and kissed my cheek before ushering me out of the car.

"See you all soon"

"Well I'm not going to lie to you cuz your man is something else, come on Chate let's go inside"
What the hell just happend.


"So you decided to save a roadside animal rather than make sure your mother didn't look like a fool!" My mom was currently shouting at me in the kitchen whilst my brother sat with the wicked witch and her child. When she said it like that it did sound pretty bad.

"I said I was sorry-"

"Emily your suppose to help me all you ever do is cause this family trouble" I knew exactly what she was talking about, but neither if us were brave enough I bring it up seeing at it was shameful, and too my family that was worse than death.

"Everything will be fine" I said my voice breaking with every word. I knew that she was ashamed of me and that what I did was wrong but what else could I have done?

"Lets hope it is for your sake, now go upstairs and change." I took one last glance at my mum and walked out the door, I ran upstairs and quickly changed into a yellow dress and applied some make up letting my hair hang loose.
Satisfied I took a deep breath and heard the doorbell ring, whilst butterflies erupted in my stomach I looked out my window and saw Deans car, a nervous smile etched on my face I ran downstairs, but before I could reach the door Margo had beaten me too it, obviously trying to make some attempt at catching his attention with her boobs hanging out, but his gaze was directed straight at me and for the first time I didn't feel like a stumbling mess... I felt content.
I don't know how long we stayed there for but it felt like a year, soon I came to my senses and waved, okay maybe not completely normal.

"Come in come in" I gushed, brushing my hair behind my ears trying to make myself presentable.

"I brought Chinese, you also owe me an explanation " he muttered the last bit whilst holding up a box if food which must have cost him a fortune, mental reminder to pay him back.

"I know and Thank you, you saved my life" I mumbled trying to get In front of Margo to no avail, she was standing in between us like a sandwhich.

"Okay so I'll show you where the kitchen is" Margo demanded, leaving me with the infamous Chate, who might I add is about 30 looks like someone who spends too much time with a skateboard and smells.... oooft what is that smell, smoke? Ridiculous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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