Chapter 1-The moment we met

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It was raining heavily.
The bunker seemed to vibrate, the scent of rain laid heavily in the atmosphere.

"You should have joined the Breeding fraction instead, Adria" Vanessa tells me as she watches me pack my back for my hunt.

"I like the hunting fraction. They need people who are willing to go to the surface and gather food for everyone" I tell her simply, repeating the same sentence I used whenever someone asked me why I was not a breeder.
There were very few females in the hunting group, most were either breeder or cooks or teachers.

All I knew was that my mother had been a hunter before she suddenly disappeared and it was enough for me to want to become a hunter as well. Perhaps in this way I could feel closer to her.
My memory of her was fragile, I had been only a few years younger when she had left. That was all my father could tell me. He refused to talk about her, the pain was too much for him to bare still.
He spent his days drowning himself in alcohol and work as a mechanic in the bunker.
He was rarely seem sober and willing to talk. I spent most of my childhood with Vanessa and her family, practically growing up under their care.

Vanessa had chosen to become a breeder when we had reached adulthood. She had already birthed five children and was pregnant with her sixth. The breeding fraction was created with the goal to repopulate the earth with humans.

The world had changed from how it looked during my ancestors time. The supernatural creatures had come together and reclaimed their hold on earth as we knew it.
Vampires, Werewolves, Mers and even elves among countless other species had overthrown the human governments and forced humans into hiding after decreasing our numbers. The creatures had divided the planet into different kingdoms.

The earth Kingdom, which I belonged to, was ruled by Vampires and Werewolves who were at was with each other. Werewolves wanted to enslave us and vampires used humans as feeding stock. We were preys and forced to live underground in an old bunker. Every few weeks we would be forced to take turns to hunt for food. This week was my turn. I would be expected to bring back my bags filled with barries, meat and fish. If I was caught, they expected me to take my own dagger to end my life rather than reveal the location of the bunker.
Hunters had all sworn the same oath.

"It's not that bad being a breeder, you know? We get larger portions of food, massages by the caretakers and most of the men are really attentive." She says making me scoff.

"You came home with a bruised neck last month, Vanessa. Don't lying to me. Please tell me who the idiot was" I ask her again about the identity of the child's father but she looks away, shaking her head.

"It was an accident, Adria. He didn't mean to..."

"You're too damn kind. The men here are scared as children above the surface just like I . The difference is that some of them take it out of on you. Don't let them. Speak to Miss Smith about it, please" I plead with her for the hundredth time as she sighns, nodding yet we both knew she wouldn't take my advice.

"I should get going..." I finally say, zipping up my backpack and tossing it over my shoulder.
Vanessa nods, taking a deep breath before getting up from her bed next to mine.
She reaches her arms out and I hung my best friend for a long time.

"Be safe. Don't take any risks and behave" she repeats the same words her mother always told me. Unlike Vanessa, I had always been a hothead, impulsive and a little rebellious. Not liking being told what to choose and do.
Vanessa was an exemplary child, putting her needs last.

"I will. See you in a few days" I promise her and she nods, releasing me while we both fight tears from running. It was difficult to leave each time. It didn't get any easier and there was no telling what vampires or werewolves or whoever found a human wound do. Some had been found tortured and ripped apart, others had simply vanished. Just like my mother had...

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