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It was Skulduggery's birthday and Ghastly, Tanith, Ravel, Dexter, Saracen, Fletcher and, surprisingly, China were at Grimwood house with Valkyrie preparing the decorations and hiding the presents.

"Ghastly have you hidden the presents and planted the clues?" Valkyrie said as she poked her head round the corner from the living room.

"Yes! I'm just doing the last one now!" Ghastly said from upstairs.

Valkyrie nodded to herself and went back into the living room. There were white and blue balloons floating everywhere, a disco ball hanging from the ceiling, a homemade happy birthday banner that read "Happy 450th Birthday", since there will never be any that you could buy from the local corner shop, and random bits of tinsel in many different colours hanging from the walls. Tanith had run out of decorations so she had decided to raid the Christmas box to find something suitable for a birthday party. Ravel and Dexter were in the kitchen making the food, Saracen and Fletcher were out distracting Skulduggery, Tanith was on lookout at the front door for when Saracen and Fletcher came with Skulduggery, China was adding some symbols around the living room that made the walls glow different colours and Valkyrie was making sure that everyone was doing their job properly. Ghastly came down the stairs and walked into the living room to stand next to Valkyrie.

"Things are going well." Ghastly said.

"Yep. I can't wait. I bet this will definitely beat the suprise birthday parties he's had before."

"That should be easy seeing as he's never had one before."

She spun to look at him with a dropped jaw,"What."

He looked at her,"You heard me Valkyrie."

"I obviously didn't if you just said that he's never had a birthday party before."

"That's exactly what I just implied, yes."

There was a pause before she sadly said,"That sounds really depressing."

"It does."

China walked over to them in a ruby red dress with matching heels as gracefully as she looked and smiled the most beautiful smile,"The symbols are ready."

"Do they work?" Valkyrie asked.

"Of course they work child, they were done by me."

Valkyrie frowned,"Don't call me child."

China didn't seem fazed by this comment and dismissed it,"Are Saracen and Fletcher back with Skulduggery yet?"

"I don't think they are."

Tanith burst into the living room and ran to Valkyrie,"They're here."

Valkyrie turned back to China,"Nevermind, they are here. RAVEL, DEXTER FINISH WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND HIDE!"

While Ghastly, Tanith, China and Valkyrie went to hide in the living room, Dexter and Ravel frantically ran around the kitchen and finished things off before they ran to their hiding spots. They could hear the front door opening and closing along with the muffled voices of Saracen and Fletcher talking to Skulduggery. A few moments later they heard Fletcher scream when Dexter jumped from his hiding place and laughing as they continued to walk deeper into the house. They heard Fletcher scream for a second time when Ravel popped up. Valkyrie, Ghastly and Tanith were struggling to keep their own laughter inside, their shoulders shaking. China, however, only had the slightest smile on the corner of her lips. When they heard footsteps in the living room, they burst from their hiding spots and shouted,"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKULDUGGERY!"

Fletcher jumped and screamed again which caused everyone to laugh, even China put a little giggle into the symphony of laughter. Fletcher stood there annoyed with pink cheeks and played with his anti-gravity hair.

"Fletcher you scream like a girl." Dexter grinned.

"You really do." Saracen agreed.

Fletcher frowned,"No I don't."

"Before this goes any further," Valkyrie interrupted,"Let's just focus on what we are actually here for."

They all looked at Skulduggery, "Happy 450th birthday Skulduggery."

Skulduggery tilted his head,"For once I don't know what to say."

Valkyrie smiled,"I'm sure you'll be fine with it as long as your ego isn't damaged,"she turned to Ghastly,"Can we have the first clue please Ghastly?"

"Why of course." Ghastly took out a peice of paper and handed it to Skulduggery.

"The place where Fletcher looks at his stupid hair," He read,"Well that's ridiculously easy."

They followed him as he lead them to the upstairs bathroom. Skulduggery went over to the cabinet with the mirror on it and opened it to see a small present with a piece of paper on it.

"That one is from me." Tanith said.

Skulduggery peeled back the wrapping paper and took out a picture of them all in a light grey frame with vines and roses engraved onto the frame.

He tilted his head to show that he was smiling,"Thank you Tanith."

She gave him a little salute that made him chuckle then he read what was on the little piece of paper.

"Saracens favourite place."

He spun round and walked back downstairs and into the kitchen. He tapped his chin for a few moments before he went over to the fridge and reached to the shelf that held the pies. Well, where the pies used to be. He instead grabbed a large box with yet another piece of paper on it. He opened the lid to the box to reveal a blue hat with a black band. He turned to Ghastly,"You said that you wouldn't make it."

Ghastly grinned sheepishly,"I may or may not have told a fib. Your welcome."

Skulduggery tilted his head and swapped his hat with the new one and adjusted it to just the right angle, "Perfect."

He took the piece of paper,"Your such a goon."

The others started laughing. Valkyrie grinned and gave him a small box. Skulduggery took it and revealed a silver bracelet with the words "until the end" engraved into the metal. He put it on and looked at Valkyrie to see her holding up her wrist to show him the matching bracelet. She smiled and he tilted his head to show the same thing and they both said,"Until the end."

Yay my first one shot! WOAH OVER 1000 words I can't lie, that turned out pretty great right? Yeah it did... Just for anyone who's curious, Saracen got him a rubber duckie as a joke, Dexter got him a new gun along with some ammo, Fletcher got him a toaster 'cause Skulduggery broke the other one, China gave him a special upgraded faćade and Ravel got him a tazer. Sooooooooooo if you have any ideas then comment and I'll start writing! See ya!

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