Chapter 14

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As the Bridgerton family strolled along Hyde Park, the gentle breeze carrying the laughter and chatter of passersby, Daphne seized a moment to pull Francesca aside. She subtly took her sister's hand, signaling that she wanted a private conversation.

Waiting until they were at a safe distance from the rest of the family, Daphne slowed their pace, allowing the others to walk ahead.

"Francesca, dear sister," Daphne began softly, "how are you faring these days? Has anyone asked for your hand in marriage?"

Francesca's gaze turned thoughtful as she replied, "I've declined three proposals these past weeks."

Daphne's curiosity piqued. "Who were they, if you don't mind me asking?"

Francesca raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Why the sudden interest, Daphne?"

Daphne offered a smile. "Oh, just curious if someone has caught your eye or made your heart flutter. You know, being the protective sister that I am." In truth, Daphne was only looking out for her newfound sister with Simon, hoping that Francesca might find happiness akin to her own with Octavius.

Francesca chuckled. "Well, I may have taken a liking to someone."

"Really? Who might that be?" Daphne inquired with genuine interest.

Before Francesca could respond, their attention was drawn to a nearby conversation. The tranquility of the afternoon was abruptly shattered by the acerbic voices of two women engaged in a venomous exchange.

They were speaking in hushed tones but loud enough to be overheard, the two were discussing a scandal involving a widowed woman and a spinster caught kissing.

"Can you imagine the audacity?" remarked the first woman, her tone dripping with disdain. "A widow and a spinster engaging in such sinful behavior!"

Her companion nodded vigorously, her features contorted in disapproval. "Absolutely scandalous! It's a disgrace to the very fabric of society."

"Such immoral conduct! It's a crime against nature!" The woman's voice growing loud

Daphne's expression soured as she overheard their conversation, her heart sinking. Glancing at Francesca, she noted the change in her sister's demeanor. The bright smile that adorned Francesca's face earlier had vanished, replaced by a mixture of anger and sadness.

The first woman continued, her voice carrying a cruel edge. "And to think they would flaunt it in public, for everyone to see! Disgraceful behavior! What will society say about such unnatural affections?"

"If it is proven true, it would be an abomination and a disgrace to the whole lineage of their family!"

Francesca's jaw clenched, her steps quickening as she tried to move past the women, her face flushed with a mixture of indignation and hurt.

As Daphne and Francesca walked past them, the women suddenly noticed the Duchess among them and offered a polite greeting. "Oh, Your Grace! What a pleasure,"

Daphne managed an awkward smile in response, her discomfort evident. The venomous remarks she had just heard echoed in her mind, troubling her deeply. She couldn't shake off the feeling of injustice and the stark reminder of the prejudices that still lingered in society.

Francesca couldn't take it anymore, she did not even stop to great the women and quickened her pace, she was almost running.

Daphne, alarmed by her sister's reaction, called out, "Francesca, wait!" She hurried to catch up with her sister, her heart heavy with concern.

As Francesca caught up to the rest of the family, her steps quick and determined, Daphne found herself trailing behind, her concern growing with each passing moment. The weight of the overheard conversation hung heavily in the air, creating a palpable tension between them.

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