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Minho, Newt and I are prepping at the Maze entrance before we start running the Maze trying to look for a way out of this shit hole. 

"Minh! You got your knife?" I call out. "Yeah! You got yours?" He asks back, I pull out my knife, the blade looking sharp and dangerous and rusted. He smirks the nods. 

"Good, with weapons we have a fifty fifty chance of not getting killed out there." I roll my eyes playfully. 

"Jeez great pep talk Minh." Newt nods in agreement. 

"Yeah, we're all bloody inspired." Minho shrugs. "What can I say I'm just being honest." I shake my head laughing softly. 

"Minho we're thirteen.. and fourteen," I say looking at Newt. "Why are you thinking about dying?" I say while playfully frowning. 

"Maybe because we're trapped in this shit hole?" I nod understanding how he feels. "That's fair." Newt chuckles at the two of us. "Let's just go do this." He says turning to both of us. I smile in agreement. "Let's do it."

We've been running for two hours straight and my legs are starting to get tired. "Guys...my..legs are...going to...fall off...if we keep..running like...this." I say as my running slows and I start panting. Newt notices and slows his running pacing himself with me. 

"You okay Es?" I nod now jogging. 

"Yeah..I'll be fine..." I manage to get out still panting softly between words. He looks up and Minho who is still running ahead of us. "Minho! Slow down! Es is dying over here!" Minho looks over his shoulder slowing his pace. 

"You okay there Es?" Minho asks turning around and jogging backwards. "I'm fine you two shove off." I say running up ahead of both of them. 


A couple weeks later I'm looking for Newt trying to see where he is. "Newt! Where are you?" I look around calling out his name as I continue searching for him. I see someone climbing up the ivy on one of the Maze walls. I start squinting trying to see who is climbing. I realize who it is and start running towards the wall as fast as I can. 

"Wait! PLEASE!" I tear up as I'm shouting across the Glade trying to make it to him in time. I try to keep up adrenaline as I'm sprinting hoping and praying I can make it to him in time. 

"PLEASE WAIT!" I call out to him again still sprinting. I begin pushing my body to its limits trying to get to him before it's too late.

I make it to the bottom of the wall and start shouting up at him. "NEWT WAIT PLEASE!" I start tearing up choking over my words. 

"I'm sorry....thank you for being my friend.." He shouts looking down at me. I go to shout up to him again tears still running down my face, but I was too late...he jumped... Without thinking I start sprinting towards his falling body preparing myself to try and catch him. The last thing I feel is his body fall on top of mine then it goes black.

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