#Ch1 - The New Girl

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"What's up, shorty?"

"Yo, let me holla you real quick"

"Damn ma, how you doing?"

Yvonne was certainly not used to all this attention she was receiving at her new school which she had been attending for just over a week now. She insisted that her parents transferred her from her private school to a public school so she could really enjoy her senior year. She had attended private school all her life and although she knew she was privileged enough to have such high quality education, she was not pleased with how non-existent her social life was. At private school, she had a few friends whose company she didn't mind, but whenever she suggested doing something fun such as maybe hitting up a club they were never up for it. Whenever they met up on weekends all they did was go to one of their houses, paint their nails and gossip. Yvonne only conformed to their snobbish ways so that she could fit in but once she got to her senior year she knew she could not endure another year of it.

As she walked through the hallways to her next class, she made no eye contact with anyone as she did not want to stop and talk to any of the guys trying to get her attention. She knew she was very pretty and she had the money to make sure she was always in the best clothes but she knew she was certainly not the best thing since sliced bread. She had her real hair up in a high pony tail with her side fringe covering the right side of her dark chocolate forehead. She wore black high waisted skinny jeans with a black turtle neck crop top with a black leather jacket over top and a pair of black nike sneakers. She looked good and she thought so too.

She made it to her mathematics class which was her favourite subject. Yvonne was very smart and always loved a challenge which was why she was so fond of it. She got to the class and sat in a seat in the far corner at the back. Her teacher, Mr Taylor, who was a tall and good looking African American man, asked everyone to get into their usual pairs for the weekly quiz which he set for them. Mr Taylor assigned partners and made sure that the smarter students were paired with students who struggled with maths. He seemed to not have seen Yvonne sitting in the corner without a partner and she was too shy to raise her hand to let him know.

"Okay guys, don't think of this as a competition or a test. So take your time and help ea-" Mr Taylor began explaining.

"Sir!" he was interrupted by a smiling Ashleigh. "Is the new girl just gonna sit there and do nothing all lesson?"Mr Taylor scanned the class until he came across Yvonne who was looking around awkwardly.

"My apologies Ms..." he said trying to get her name.

"Yvonne-Rose, but err..just Y-Yvonne" she said with nervousness very evident within her stutter.

"Alright Just Yvonne, could you please join Ashleigh and Mason at the front here?" He asked politely pointing at their table. Yvonne didn't say anything, she just got up and made her way to their table to take a seat.

"Hey, I'm Ashleigh!" She introduced herself with such excitement.

"I know" Yvonne said blandly. Mason couldn't help but let out a chuckle whilst Ashleigh furrowed her eyebrows at her. Yvonne had not realised how rude she had come across when she said that. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so rude" she apologised.

"Don't apologise for saying the truth" Mason said with a slight smile playing on his lips. "Ashleigh just happens to say a lot of dumb things, you may or may not get used to it. OW!" Ashleigh had pinched his leg under the table and Yvonne wanted to laugh so bad but she held it in.

"Let's just get on with the work" Ashleigh suggested.

"Yeah that would be a good idea" My Taylor chimed in. So they got on with their work and Yvonne could tell that Mason was the smarter one which for some reason, surprised her. Yvonne understood it all as did Mason, but his teaching skills were terrible as Ashleigh still did not understand this integration question which he had explained almost five times. Yvonne looked on in silence and could see the frustration on Mason's face.

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