Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Leviticus! My heart screams.

The light poles on the street start flickering their light rapidly like an edm concert. I want to drop to the ground and hopefully help him, and I also want to go help Chron or even find Lily, but I don't have time.

An enormous bone grows from out of one of the klepton's backs and it reaches up over its head like the stinger of a scorpion. In the blink of an eye it rams the stinger down over me, but with my vampire speed I manage to jump back just in time. Well, almost in time, the tip of its bone makes a long cut over the top of my hand causing me whimper.

I couldn't do this alone, I needed help, but there was no help, it was up to me now. Taking only a millisecond to think about it I decide that if the others couldn't take down this freak then I wouldn't even stand the slightest chance. Before either of the entities has a chance to attack me again I turn around and run towards the cornfield hoping to get away.

Only two steps in I feel a searing hot pain in my left calf as a bone from one of the creatures enters the back of it and protrudes through my shin. The next thing I know I'm lifted into the air and slung into the distance. The feeling of fire and ice mixed consumes my entire leg right before I'm slung as the bone rips back out of me. I'm unable to tell the difference in up or down due to the fact my body is constantly summersaulting through the air until my right arm smashes into the ground of the cornfield.

"Ooof," I let out as the solid ground meets my body. In the near distance I hear the pig squeals of the kleptons, and then suddenly my vision comes in and I can see them flying over me. I'm lying with my back on the ground so that that I'm looking up in the direction of the creatures hovering above. They were for sure going to kill me, except they didn't know where I was at. The corn was so tall that it hid my body lying on the ground. Then out of nowhere I think they figure out where I'm hiding because I hear the sound of a nuclear explosion as they land twenty feet away from me completely pulverizing the ground.

Please let me make it to The Light to see my parents if I die, I think to myself. More pig squeals erupt from the monsters, and they seem to be communicating with each other. Good. They don't know where I'm at, I just have to try to sneak away. With all the strength I have left I try to move but it's no use, my brain can no longer connect to my leg and my arm is completely broken.

The ground pushes vibrations through my body as the kleptons start walking around, looking. Louder and louder the vibrations get like someone was cutting up the bass from a subwoofer. They weren't just aimlessly walking around either, they were walking in my direction. They probably had figured where I was out by now.

Closer and closer they get, when suddenly something grabs the shoulder of my bad arm and squeezes it so hard I need to scream at the top of my lungs, but I can't scream because something else covers my nose and mouth, suffocating me, not letting me breath. Thinking about Chron, refusing to die before I could see him again, I thrash my body to try to get free.

As I'm trying to get free I hear a faint whisper in my ear. "Stop moving would you, I'm the good guy hear." It was the voice of Lily. She was safe. Or at least partially safe, because the kleptons were still walking towards us. I calm myself and turn my head to look at her. She again whispers, "Don't move, and don't make a sound. They are semi-blind, they can only see movement. If we aren't moving they resort to trying to see us through sound waves. But their hearing isn't the best so if we stay quiet they shouldn't be able to find us."

So loud are the vibrations now that I know they are literally just a few cornstalks over from us. Any second we would be....

Suddenly, I hear a high pitch noise and I see a bone whizz past me just nicking the tip of my nose. Staying still as Lily had instructed I move only my eyes to see what had happened. One of the kleptons was flying in the air, while the other had grown a long sword like bone from one of its shins that stuck out for thirty feet. The monster was spinning in circles like a tornado using its bone as a weed eater blade. As the creature stops spinning I see it's standing in the epicenter of a thirty foot diameter circle that had been cut out of the corn field.

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