Chapter 33: 📸 Influencer Duties and Y/N's Playtime 🍼

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The house was buzzing with activity as Avani and Charli prepared for a busy day of influencer work. Their social media channels had grown immensely, and they had a few collaborations and promotions lined up for the day.

"Alright, we've got a lot to do today," Charli said, organizing their equipment and props. "Let's make sure we stay on schedule."

Avani nodded, checking her notes. "We'll film the makeup tutorial first, then do the unboxing video, and finally, the Q&A session."

Meanwhile, Y/N was in her playroom, happily surrounded by her favorite toys. She was fully immersed in her own little world, babbling to her stuffed animals and stacking blocks into tall, wobbly towers. Her cheerful giggles echoed through the house, bringing smiles to Avani and Charli's faces as they worked.

"Look at her, so content and playful," Charli remarked, glancing toward the playroom.

Avani smiled warmly. "She's our little sunshine. It's wonderful to see her so happy."

As they started filming the makeup tutorial, Y/N wandered into the kitchen, clutching her teddy bear. She tugged on Avani's shirt, looking up with big, hopeful eyes.

"Mama, baba?" Y/N asked, using her baby talk to request her bottle.

Avani paused the recording and knelt down to Y/N's level. "Of course, sweetheart. Let's get you your baba."

She led Y/N to the kitchen and prepared a bottle of warm milk. Y/N watched with anticipation, her little feet tapping on the floor. Once the bottle was ready, Avani handed it to her.

"Here you go, sweetie. Enjoy your baba," Avani said, giving her a gentle pat on the head.

Y/N took the bottle eagerly, her face lighting up with joy. "Fank you, mama!"

"You're welcome, my love," Avani replied, smiling as Y/N toddled back to her playroom.

Returning to their influencer work, Avani and Charli resumed filming the makeup tutorial. They demonstrated various techniques, shared tips, and highlighted their favorite products. Their energy and passion shone through the camera, making the tutorial both informative and engaging.

Just as they were wrapping up, Y/N returned, this time with a stuffed bunny in one hand and her empty bottle in the other. She tugged on Charli's sleeve, looking up at her with wide, curious eyes.

"Mommie, numsnums?" Y/N asked, using her baby talk to request some food.

Charli paused the recording and turned to Y/N with a smile. "Are you hungry, sweetie? Let's get you something to eat."

She led Y/N to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "What would you like, Y/N? How about some fruit and cheese?"

Y/N nodded eagerly. "Fwoot an' chee!"

Charli prepared a small plate with sliced fruit and cheese cubes, arranging them in a fun pattern. She handed the plate to Y/N, who beamed with delight.

"Here you go, love. Enjoy your numsnums," Charli said, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Fank you, mommie!" Y/N replied, taking her plate back to the playroom.

Avani and Charli resumed their work, moving on to the unboxing video. They opened and reviewed a variety of products, sharing their thoughts and opinions with their audience. Their genuine excitement and thorough reviews made the video engaging and authentic.

As they were setting up for the Q&A session, Y/N's giggles and playful babbles continued to fill the house. She was fully engrossed in her games, creating little adventures for her stuffed animals and building elaborate block structures.

Every now and then, she would wander back to the kitchen, asking for a refill on her bottle or another snack. "Mama, more baba?" or "Mommie, more numsnums?" Her baby talk and innocent requests always brought a smile to Avani and Charli's faces.

During a short break, Avani took the opportunity to check on Y/N. She found her lying on the playroom floor, surrounded by her toys, happily munching on a piece of cheese.

"Are you having fun, sweetie?" Avani asked, sitting down beside her.

Y/N nodded enthusiastically. "Uh-huh! Pwayin' wif bunbun," she said, holding up her stuffed bunny.

Avani smiled and gave Y/N a gentle hug. "I'm so glad. You're such a good little one."

As the day progressed, Avani and Charli balanced their influencer duties with caring for Y/N. They filmed the Q&A session, answering questions from their followers and sharing insights into their lives. They discussed their experiences as caregivers, the importance of understanding age regression, and how much they cherished their little family.

By the time they finished their work for the day, the sun was beginning to set. Y/N had enjoyed a full day of play, snacks, and love from her caregivers. She was starting to feel sleepy, her eyes drooping as she cuddled with her teddy bear.

Avani and Charli joined her in the playroom, sitting down on either side of her. "Did you have a good day, Y/N?" Charli asked softly.

Y/N nodded, her voice a sleepy whisper. "Yes, mommie. Fank you."

Avani kissed her on the forehead. "We love you so much, Y/N. You make every day special."

"Wuv you too, mama. Wuv you, mommie," Y/N replied, her eyes closing as she snuggled into their arms.

As the evening settled in, Avani and Charli reflected on the day's events. They were grateful for their unique family dynamic, the joy Y/N brought into their lives, and the opportunity to share their journey with the world.

With Y/N safely tucked into bed, they looked forward to another day of love, laughter, and adventures together. And as they turned off the lights and headed to their own room, they knew that no matter what challenges or surprises lay ahead, they would face them together, as a family.

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