Chapter~ 11

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They can't  believe their eyes what they saw, A Black puppy chasing poor Nim around the house. Gemini noticed the puppy was his uncle's dog , he got to know that his mother had done this. He stopped the puppy and told fourth to go with Tay upstairs with Nim. He took the puppy and went outside, he his mom and his uncle he went to them and returned the puppy and said "Why are you doing this I am happy here?" Gemini said annoyed by his mom's behaviour. "Because I want you to get married I don't want any excuses" Gemini is so done with her demands first she wanted him to study Computer science even though he wanted to persue fine arts. Now she wants him to marry some kid of a CEO so they can build a big company in collaboration. Gemini knows that he wants to live his life and not take any responsibilities of the company. He didn't have any interest in business and Entrepreneurship. He told her the final time that he isn't going to marry. Gemini left from the scene leaving his mom in shock as he never disobeyed her and today he did. "I don't wanna see your face again" Saying this she sat in the car and went.

Author- Guys please another reminder this is pure fiction it's not real Gemini's mother is really sweet, it's just a story guys❤️

Gemini entered the house and saw fourth playing with Nim. Gemini went close to Fourth sat on his knees infront of him and apologized for his mom's and uncle's behaviour. Fourth didn't know about the marriage scene. Fourth made gemini get up from his knees, he made him sit on the couch he sat near him and asked "Gem is something wrong? You can share it with me you know that na"
Gemini literally wanted to grab fourth's neck and kiss him, he thought after a while when he will recover from his parents death. He would share it to him. Both Fourth and Gemini Heard footsteps coming down they saw Tay in his uniform, "P'Tay your going to classes?" Gem asked as he was told by New that Tay won't go to uni today. Tay nodded and said "yeah my classes end at 5, do you guys want anything??" Fourth's ears raised up as Tay asked "Ice Cream pleasee" Tay nodded and proceeds to leave. "So I guess it's just us for lunch what do you wanna have?" Gem asked politely. "Lets just go out don't waste your time in making food" They decided to not take Nim with them they left Nim at the 12 year old girl's place and they went by foot to a nearby shop.

At the bus stop Tay was waiting for New to arrive, he suddenly heard a loud thunder, he was so shocked by it, he quickly ran towards the Uni he saw New seated on the floor with his palms covering his ears. Tay went to him and hugged him, while hugging Tay made sure he covered New's ears properly to avoid the thunder's voice. They decided to rent a room for tonight which is close to the university's campus. When they reached the room, Tay suggested New to take a shower to feel relaxed, New agreed and and went to take a shower Meanwhile Tay texted Fourth that he and New are going to stay out tonight.

Fourth read the message and went to Gemini who was studying in the room, he showed him the text and asked "What should we have for dinner now??" Gemini huffed and said "I know how to cook fot, I'll make something for the two of us" Fourth nodded and went downstairs to not disturb Gemini anymore. After a while gemini came downstairs and saw Fourth sleeping on the couch and the TV was on. Gemini went and crouched infront of Fourth, he slowly removed his hair from his forehead, and slowly landed a Peck on his forehead.

Author- Yeah, I'm trying to make gemfot sail😜 ik you guys want Taynew crumbs but for some time have gemfot being lovey dovey.

After a hour or something Fourth woke up to the smell of Food. He saw in the kitchen and saw Gemini cooking food for them he checked his phone to see the time and he was shocked as it was 9 pm. Usually they would have dinner by 8 pm. Gemini served the dinner on the table and said "Fourth go wash your face then come to eat dinner" fourth huffed and stood up and head to the washroom.

"P'Tay can you pass me the towelll" New called from the washroom. Tay heard him and took the towel and went to pass it to him, Tay just saw a  opportunity he took it, as New held the towel Tay didn't pass it though, he instead pulled the towel towards himself and as Tay overpowered New New also came out and fell on Tay 'Naked' New was shocked by this where as Tay enjoyed it. New quickly got up and took the towel and wrapped it around his waist. He was fully red as he was shy, embarrassed and blushed together. Tay looked at him and said "don't worry when we'll do it you'll see mine too" New hit Tay's shoulder and said "Stop being naughty P'Tay" Tay laughed at New and then thought to stop teasing him. The night they were spooning, with Tay being the big spoon and New being the small spoon.

Gemini and Fourth both were wide awake they decided to play truth or dare. "So did you actually stole the money??" Fourth asked in curiosity. "Yes I did then my mom smacked my ass with a broom" Gemini said as he was telling fourth how he stole his mom's money to buy Pokemon cards. After a while and some questions Gemini asked Fourth the classic question of "Do you like someone?"
Fourth was quiet....

Hey guyss hope you are enjoying the story till now , you can give your prediction of the next chapter in the comments. I'll make sure I reply them❤️

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