The Trance on the Stairway

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I walked downstairs to see Ally cooking breakfast. "Smells good! What is it?" I asked, my eyes widening and my mouth watering as I tried to get a view of the foods.

"Banana pancakes. Good morning to you too Mila!" Ally giggled as she turned around with a plate of the pancakes. I beam at the plate as she sets it down in front of me.

"Thanks Ally Cat! I love you!" I squeale as I dig in. "Happy Birthday baby girl," she smiled and turns back to the stove. I hear a door creak and I look up to see a morning head Dinah Jane walk out of the room in nothing but an oversized shirt and underwear.

I look down quickly to hide my blush as she makes her way down the stairs and over to me. I watch her out of the corner of my eye as I pick at my pancakes. I watch as she comes closer so I look down.

I feel her standing behind me and I start feeling uneasy. Why is she just standing there? Then out of the blue I feel her bend down and wrap her arms around my chest and over my breasts. "Morning Chancho!" She whispers in her husky morning voice.

I blush and smile. "Morning cheechee!" I say back. She then bends down farther and kisses my cheek and forehead. I blush harder as she gets up and goes over to get her pancakes and sits next to me.

I look up at her and smile slightly, hoping my blush isn't still there. She smirks back and kisses my hand. "My! Aren't you being the gentlelady this morning!" I say. "Im just really glad to have you as my friend!" She smiled at me.

I blush and quickly look down at my half eaten pancakes. I think she noticed because I here her let out a satisfied grunt. All of a sudden I hear a loud grumble followed by a quick scream.

Dinah and I rise from our chairs as Ally sprints up the stairs and towards the room we all slept in last night. Where the scream had come from. I follow quickly with Dinah on my heels.

We burst in to find Ally smirking as Lauren sits on the floor staring at Normani with large eyes as they both blush hard. "What's going on?" I ask. "I think I have an idea!" Ally smirks harder as she crosses her arms.

I suddenly remember waking up last night to see Lauren laying on Normani's boobs. She must have woken up to see what she doing. I then  start giggling uncontrollably at the thought. "What so funny Mila?" Dinah asks me.

I then stop suddenly and remember that I had been doing the same to Dinah. I blush and looked up to see Lauren smirking at me. I blushed harder and studied the mole on my big toe. "Chancho?" Dinah asked.

I shook my head and looked up at her. "Yeah?" "I asked you what's so funny?" She repeated. "Uhhhh just something I thought of suddenly!" I say quickly. "Uh huh," She says, obviously not convinced.

I then quickly walk out of the room and back downstairs, tripping on my way down! I felt like it took and eternity. I waited for the impact but it never came. I suddenly felt two soft but strong arms wrap around my body.

I opened my tightly shut eyes to see a scared Dinah Jane. She sighed in relief as she saw that I was okay. She brushed the hair out of my face and I felt myself become lost in a trance of beauty.

I took in every part of her and smiled up at her as she beamed down at me. We stayed like this for a few minutes. Me laying in her arms as she crouched on the stairs. Just admiring each other. Then we heard a cough and looked up to see the girls standing there.

Ally was gushing at us, Lauren was slowly bringing down her Polaroid camera and Normani was awing and pulling down her iPhone as if she had been taking pictures. "Awwww!" Ally said jumping up and down.

Dinah and I pulled apart blushing and quickly walked down the rest of the stairs. "That was awkward!" I whispered to myself as I walked back to the kitchen table with Dinah opposite of me heading to her spot next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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