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My eyes focused on the guy sitting on the bench in the park as I hid behind the trees after following him. Yet nothing paranormal is happening.

All I've seen Kiev do is sit on the bench, close his eyes, and dream. Nothing else. It's what the text said. To meet Nolan, or so he said, at the park; however, no one looking identical to me is lounging here.

I'm fucking confused as I watch Kiev just lay there, doing nothing but dreaming for the last five minutes. What? In public too? Yeah, that's definitely weird. 

What's weirder are the things he said to me earlier. I have a clone. A clone, that's everything I am somehow, and I couldn't help but be bothered. 

I knew I wasn't mistaking, and I watched my other self interact with him in dreams the whole time. I'm well aware.

However, my heart still almost went into cardiac arrest while we were in the cafe. Seeing their texts isn't helping either.

Speaking of it, my phone vibrates in my hand as I hold it. And what the he—

Unknown Number: I need to talk to you

It's the same number I have been using before. The one I tried using just to mess with Kiev, and somehow it managed to text me back. I'm perplexed. 

Every time I remember how I was able to see them—not just see, but watch my other self enjoy his time with him—I somehow feel jealous, resenting them, and I put that anger into threatening him through texts, yet I stopped it after our conversation that night at the street markets.

So, what is this? 

I tried to think of all possibilities as I stayed there watching; however, one single distraction left me furious. He's not there anymore.

My heart immediately sank into a pool of fright. God, I don't know what's happening as my feet walk themselves voluntarily to relish his longing phantom, but it's not just him who disappeared. It's everyone.

Suddenly, the background drops into its vibrance, and the park where I was earlier became darker and darker, as if consumed by an ellipse. It's the same sensation I felt before, back when I watched Kiev and I break up. I remind myself.

However, this time it was different. There was no sign of me or him, but my—

"Dad?" I ask as I stand beside my mom, waiting.

She looks down at me with eyes of emptiness, like she always does, while she holds my hand. "Yes, sweetie."

We're standing in front of a public toilet in the middle of the night, and I couldn't help but be confused. "What is happening?" I ask her, yet my mom won't answer.

She just keeps staring at it, hoping for something to come out, which is really weird; however, it didn't seem impossible. 

The door opens, and I'm flashed with the sight of a tall, dark man walking out of its shadows into familiarity. 

He's sweating like crazy and is panting heavily as a smile finally grazed his lips once he saw us. "Nora," he says, pulling her into a hug.

It looks really sweet from my perception, and I watch them continue for about 30 seconds before falling into a quick kiss. "And you, little guy." Yeah, that's me. "Come here."

My dad takes me from the arms and carries me with my feet tangling from below as if I'm superman. I'm feeling delighted even though I don't understand a thing, and he holds me there, cherishing the moment before putting me down again.

"Is it done? No one saw you, right?" my mom continues to ask as we stand there.

My dad just sighs from her words, catching his breath before finally speaking once again. "Yeah, I already said goodbye to them."

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