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Here's a repeat of the prophecy. My thoughts on the line will be written below said line. The prophecy is in bold.

Four Greeks must unite once more,

Obviously the four have already grouped together to do something before. Sabotaging Roman catapults perhaps?

To save the Oracle from Death's door.

Apollo and Rachel both said they were having trouble accessing the green mist spewing Oracle.

The four must slay the monster within Delphi,

"We need avoid Delphi because there is some sort of major obstacle Gaea put there." Or something like that -During the quest of the Seven

"I am the Oracle of Delphi. Speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, Slayer of the mighty Python." -The Oracle at some point in the first series.

Conclusion: The monster/obstacle mentioned in HOO is a big freaking snake called Python who's pretty much Apophis' less powerful and slightly smaller Greek cousin.

Three will come back healthy.

The other one could lose a limb and be suffering from blood loss, go insane, catch a cold, etc. etc. (More ideas after the last line.)

The son of Hermes shall pick the lock,

Obviously the son of Hermes is Cecil.

Could be a literal lock or it could mean Cecil picks the lock to Lou Ellen's heart. A.K.A. They start dating.

The daughter of Hecate will find the key,

The daughter of Hecate is Lou Ellen.

The key could be the key to defeating Python or a literal key. For humor, she could find the key right after Cecil picks the literal lock.

Only the son of Hades can break the rock,

This was what made the most sense to put for what rhymes with lock.

The son of Hades is- you guessed it, Nico.

My idea for the rock is they get trapped underground or something and face a dead end. Nico summons some skeletons to form a crack in/under the stone blocking the path. Or a big hunk of rock blocks them out of some place and they need to get in so *boom* skeleton army of miners to break the rock.

While the son of Apollo is the only one who can set them free.

The original line for this was "And the Son of Apollo allows them to see." In which everyone thinks none of the current Apollo campers have the gift to control sunlight and no one volunteers so Will decides to go because it's his duty as Cabin leader. Then, on the quest he discovers that he can control light while they're in a dark cave.

But in the line in bold, Nico, Lou Ellen, and Cecil are trapped in Python's grasp while they try to kill it. So, it's Will to the rescue and he finds out he can control sunlight/ didn't know he could because he always thought he was 'just a healer' and blinds Python by burning his eye with light and everyone gets dropped and A.) He gets crushed by Python B.) Someone else gets crushed by Python C.) Python thrashes around, goes by smell and bites someone's limb off (Cecil or Lou Ellen to add Loucil drama) (Will because he'd have to try to tell the others what to do to amputate the leg or fix the stump) (Nico's leg so he's wheelchair bound and ends up having to stay at camp until he gets a prosthetic leg [I don't know why but I like the idea of Nico with a prosthetic leg]) D.) Python dies because it's eye catches fire which spreads to its insides and someone gets badly burnt. [Loses a limb or just badly burnt. What is it with me and making someone lose a limb in a book today?])

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