set up chapter 2

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It's been a few days since Sasuke found the clearing and he had yet to find the time to go back. It also seemed that his sensor video also continued to get stronger and more complicated as the days went. He found he could sense specific parts of chakra in people and in nature. 

His ANBU guard was a male, and had both earth and water elements. It was slightly strange since he could sense a blend of the 2 elements as well, but he couldn't put a finger on why. 

That was not an issue though. He needed a way to shack off the ANBU, so he could visit that clearing again. Something about it was calling out to him. 

Right now, Sasuke can be seen walking around the market district, aimlessly browsing the things in it. He saw various scrolls, weapons, and even sealing items, but nothing was really what he was looking at. 

The black haired boy continued to walk around aimlessly, until he arrived at a slightly run down building with boarded up windows. It had a open sign on it with the door held open by a door stopper. He shrugged and walked into what he believed was a shop. 

His eyes popped out as looked around onto the armor, weapons, and other Shinobi tools the decorated the well kept interior.  Sasuke was a little disturbed by the night and day difference in Interior and Exterior but shook it off, instead decided to look around the large assortment of items. 

After walking around for a while, a black cat came into his vision. It held golden eyes that looked directly into his soul. 

'Strange cat. I wonder were the store owner is.'  As If appearing out of thin air, a shadow loomed over himself. 

He turned around in a flash, looking at who was believed to be the shop owner and he was correct. 

With a bucket hat, a green cloak, and a goofy expression Kisuke Urahara had entered the room. 

"Hello my customer, what can I get you today? We will have to make it quick as I have somethings to take care of with a friend of mine." He said with a goofy grin. 

Sasuke, instead of saying anything, pulled out a small notebook and started writing and then spoke. 

"I was just going around, asking if anyone was willing to custom make some gloves for me. All the other places were to expensive for my budget." He finished up in his notebook and waited for a response. Looking dead in the eyes of older man. 

"..... Yeah, we could figure something out!" He said enthusiastically.   

After that was said he flipped his notebook around  

"hes listening. I need a way to get away from him."

"This is the design that I was looking for and sizes were all placed in the diagram with materials. 

Kisuke grabbed the notebook from the boy and started to write notes into it. 

"Here you go kid I just added some of my own notes with it. Take a look over it then leave it so I can base the design off of it." 

"I got something for you. Just know I'm only doing this because you are close to my students son."  

"I'll give you something until I'm done with it." He wandered to the back of the store, going to go grab something and while Sasuke waited, a weight was placed around his neck. He soon realized that the cat was currently his neck and sleeping. 

He was a little annoyed, but let the cat sleep until the man came by again. 

Soon after, the man appeared in front of  him yet again with a grin. 

"Here you go! The gloves are in the scroll" Kisuke handed him a scroll and Sasuke soon asked about the cat 

"Uh, can you take the cat off my shoulders?" 

"Sorry, but that cat has chose to be around you for the time being. Even if you leave her here, she will just find you again." 

Sasuke just groaned in annoyance at that, but reluctantly left with the cat. 

"Alright thank you sir. I will be leaving now. Good luck on whatever you need to do." Kisuke smiled at that and nodded his head, as Sasuke left the building with the cat around his neck. 

"You aren't what I thought you would Sasuke Uchiha." With that the man disappeared behind the counter. He had to go monitor Naruto and his progress under the Quincy. 


Sasuke continued his walk through the market district, back to the compound. 

Once arriving at the compound, he ran to his house. Which woke the cat up from her nap. She screeched at the speed the duo were traveling at. It quickly came to an end however when they arrived at Sasuke's home. The cat got off of him and rolled on the deck they were standing on. Sasuke smirked at the cat and unlocked the house. He wasn't able to enter first however, since the cat dashed into the house and started running around. 

The black haired genin sighed, entered, then flopped on the couch. The scroll still held in his hand. 

He stood like that for a while, then he decided to get up and take a shower. He went  up the nearby stairs and walked down the hallway, and entered the bathroom. 

Once the chakra signature left the same room as himself. He opened the scroll. 

"Hello Sasuke, I know you have your reasons for not wanting to be under constant surveillance and this is my solution to it. The Blood Clone. unlike the Shadow Clone, the Blood Clone is both an exact copy of yourself and it can only be destroyed if you do a killing blow onto it."  Sasuke paused his readings and turned on the water, allowing the water to warm up while he read the note. 

"There is still one thing that is required. A quart of the users blood is needed for the  clone to be complete." 

Sasukes eyes widened exponentially. How was he going to do this? He had no idea who would even help him with something like this. Of course he could go to the hospital and ask them to extract blood from himself, but that would apply suspicion onto himself. 

"Good Luck young Uchiha." 

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